NCA declares McCook duo is 'super state'

Tuesday, November 3, 2020
McCook sophomore Samantha Rodewald (left) earned Class B all-super state in cross country after placing third at the championshp meet on Oct. 23.
R.B. Headley/McCook Gazette

LINCOLN, Neb. — The Nebraska Coaches Association declared McCook senior Mason Michaelis and sophomore Samantha Rodewald are Class B “All-Super State” athletes this fall season.

Both were clear choices as Michaelis lost only once all tennis season and repeated his Class B No. 2 singles state championship.

He lost only five games in four state tournament matches with all being two-game sweeps.

Rodewald led a young Bison cross country team to both the Southwest Conference title along with its first B-4 girls’ district championship since 1993.

She placed Class B top three at the Nebraska State Meet in Kearney on Oct. 23. McCook’s girls team took sixth overall and were only three points from catching top three Omaha Skutt.

The Bison boys were fifth at Class B state tennis where three other players earned state medals.

Junior Isaac Hinze, sophomores Joel Miller, Evan Humphrey, freshman Nathaniel Miller and Lincoln Michaelis all earned NCA Class B all-state honorable mention.

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