'Power Hours' set for Thursday's Big Give 2020 in McCook

Tuesday, November 3, 2020

McCOOK, Neb. -- With just two more days until Big Give McCook, most of the focus will be on the “power hours.”

The power hours are probably the most exciting part of the day, when an in-person giving station is the site for a random drawing and the first $1,000 drawn will be matched. That could mean 10 envelopes with $100 in them to a variety of the 29 non-profit organizations involved in Big Give McCook. Or it could be a $1,000 match to just one organization. Or anywhere in between.

The first power hour is from midnight to 1 a.m. online with the final available for those giving at the end of the day.

Big Give McCook Power Hours:

Internet: 12 a.m.

First Central Bank: 8 a.m.

Horizon Bank: 9 a.m.

MNB Bank: 11 a.m.

Hillcrest Nursing Home Drive-Thru: 12 p.m.

Pinnacle Bank: 1 p.m.

Great Western Bank: 3 p.m.

Christian Church Drive-Thru: 5 p.m.

YMCA: 7 p.m.

While the power hours give each non-profit a chance at extra matching funds, the organizations are ensured matching funds just by regular donations between midnight to midnight Thursday.

Thanks to many generous sponsors, each organization is eligible for an additional $2,500 in matching funds throughout the day. Those funds will be determined when the donations end at midnight Thursday.

The 2020 Big Give McCook sponsors are:

Graff Charitable Foundation, MNB Bank, Valmont, Great Western Bank, Community Hospital, MNB Financial Services, Horizon Bank, First Central Bank, Janssen-Kool Motors, MNB Insurance, Pinnacle Bank, U-Save Pharmacy & Medical Supply, Lifetime Eye Care, Ace Hardware, Casey’s, Frontier Home Medical, Sehnert’s Bakery and Bieroc Café, The Sports Shoppe, Hometown Family Radio, High Plains Radio, and McCook Gazette.

While the Big Give McCook website won’t be “live” for donations until 12 a.m. Thursday, the website is available now for more information about each organization participating and the in-person giving stations, including two drive-through sites.

The website - biggivemccook.org - also has a printable form, so you can select the organizations you would like to support from the comfort of home before dropping off at the giving stations. The website will also have a running tally throughout Thursday to show progress on donations.

So stop by the giving stations or visit the website to make a donation and show your support for one of the 29 non-profit organizations which make McCook and Southwest Nebraska an even better place to call home.

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