Minden shuts down MNB, home games tonight

Monday, July 20, 2020
Joey Gonzales (right) and the McCook National Bank Seniors try to regain their hitting success against Buckley during a 5 p.m. doubleheader today at McCook's Jaycees Complex.
R.B. Headley/McCook Gazette

MINDEN, Neb. — Creed Ehlers tripled and singled twice while Braden Bates allowed only two hits in Minden First Bank's 3-1 Legion baseball win over the McCook National Bank Seniors Friday evening.

Bates threw 20 first-pitch strikes to 28 batters as MNB (7-3 record) suffered its second consecutive defeat. The Seniors finally resume their home schedule today with a 5 p.m. doubleheader scheduled against Buckley Bombers from Chappell.

Minden (9-3 record) was won four straight by a total margin of 49-7.

MNB pitcher Brandon Derauf struck out seven Minden batters but walked four and allowed seven hits in his six innings.

Cam Berry scored MNB's lone run following his sixth-inning double. James Mockery delivered the RBI.

Joey Gonzales singled for the only other McCook hit. The Seniors only tallied one hit at Kearney Runza during their previous game on July 8.

Ehlers finished three-for-three with a run scored and two RBIS. Bates singled twice en route to scoring another Minden run.

Watch for results from tonight in Tuesday's McCook Gazette.

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