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Genealogy clues found in old ads
Friday, May 15, 2020
One way to learn more about an era that your ancestors lived in is to check out the advertisements in the paper. As I have mentioned before, www.chroniclingamerica.gov has several years of the McCook Tribune and the McCook Weekly Tribune that can be researched online using the Advanced Search tab and then selecting the McCook Tribune and placing the word or words in the search boxes below. I’m going to share a few of the classifieds from the 1911-12 era. Perhaps you will recognize an address or relatives name in the ads.
10/26/1911: “For Rent: The first floor of our residence, furnished-four rooms and a bathroom. Mrs. C. H. Meeker, 902 First Street East.” “For Rent: Furnished, heated room. 519 Main St.” “For Rent: Furnished room modern house. Inquire 319 1st West. Phone red 281.” “For Rent or Sale: A nine-room modern house. Hot water and heat. 504 West 2nd.”
07/27/1911: “For Sale: A Stanhope buggy in good condition. Phone black 46” “For Sale: A phaeton and a gentle family driving horse. Phone black 334” “Wanted: Plain sewing, washing and mending. 303 West 2nd street” “Wanted: Plain sewing, washing and ironing. Mrs. May Jeffers, 106 2nd street 2nd st. E.” “For Rent: 4-room cottage, 605 5th st. east.” “Wanted: Pupils on piano and organ, beginners preferred. Terms 50 cents per lesson. Susie McBride, phone black 464.”
02/26/1912: “For Rent: Two furnished rooms for light housekeeping. Inquire at 216 West E Street. Phone black 272.” “For Sale or Rent: The Blue Front Livery Barn. See M. O. McClure at Bullard Lumber Co. office.” “For Sale: Three large chicken coops. Call phone 214.” “For Sale: Good work horse. Cheap if taken at once. Phone 25. Carl Marsh.”
03/21/1912: “Boarders Wanted: At 216 West B. Splendid board, elegant rooms, only $20 a month. Close in-4 doors east of Palmer Hotel.” “Houses for rent by J. E. Kelley, phone 6- 4-room brick bungalow, modern: good location. 3-room furnished cottage, close in, lawn and shade.” “For Sale: Pure White Wyandotte eggs, 50 cents a setting. Walnut 3852.” “For Sale: Rod breaking plow, set double buggy harness, set single buggy harness, 3 section harrow, walking plow, wagon. Frank Coleman, East McCook.” “For Sale: My Piano Player. Will take good piano on trade and balance at $10 per month. Phone or see E. D. Kenyon. “
04/15/1912: “For Rent: Half block, with house, fruit and shade trees. Suitable for chickens and gardening. Call at 215 W.B. Street.” “Eggs for Hatching: Barred Plymouth Rock. 4c egg. $2.75 a 100. Extra fine eggs. Mrs. A. O. Rogers, Route 1, McCook. Write.” “For Sale: Girl’s bicycle. See Dorothy Williams, 706 West 1st.” “To Trade: Cadillac 400 H.P. 5-passenger, fully equipped. Cost $2000. Run about a year. In first class condition. Will trade for house and lot of like valuation. Address J. E. Dodge, Marion, Neb.” “For Rent: 1 store building, fine opening for confectionery and short order. 1 3-room dwelling house, located in Marion, Neb. Address J. E. Dodge.” “For Sale: Rhode Island Red and White Wyandotte eggs. 50 cents a setting. Mrs. W. N. Rogers, R.F.D. No. 1.”
Of course, the Classifieds are not the only ads in the paper. I found this last advertisement in the March 21, 1912 McCook Tribune and it is interesting because of the specific location of a McCook Hospital. “McCook General Hospital, located in the Meckmann House, one block west of the Court House. Will be open to receive patients after January 1, 1912. A Hospital devoted to McCook and southwest Nebraska. Skilled attendants in charge. D.J. Reid, Surgeon Proprietor.” As we all know there is no longer a house one block west of the Court House, but I believe the genealogy library has a picture in one of their records.
The library remains closed during this time, but you can join us online at www.swngs.org to research for free.