State recruiting lawyers, CPAs as poll workers

Monday, May 4, 2020

LINCOLN – The Elections Division of the Nebraska Secretary of State’s Office has collaborated with the Nebraska State Bar Association, the Nebraska Board of Public Accountancy and the Nebraska Society of Certified Public Accountants Society to help assure that our counties will have a sufficient number of poll workers available for the May 12 primary election.

“I have put out a call to Nebraska’s attorneys and CPAs to help serve as poll workers at the May 12 primary,” Evnen stated. “I am recruiting poll workers for the May primary to support counties in their efforts to adequately staff all polling locations with poll workers who are not in the high risk category for COVID-19.”

Historically, many lawyers have helped at polling sites, and service as a poll worker is a natural activity for CPAs as well. “Although a record number of Nebraska’s voters have requested early ballots, there will be an opportunity for voters to vote at the polls if they wish to do so,” Evnen said.

Both attorneys and CPAs who register to serve as poll workers will receive 1.5 hours of free continuing education credits after completion of the election training and working at the polls at the May 12 primary. Election training is available online. Those who wish to register should contact their County Clerk/Election Commissioner and let them know that they are a Nebraska attorney or CPA when signing up.

For county contact information visit

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