
Sheltering in place

Tuesday, March 31, 2020

I am amazed. Our president asked us, the whole USofA, to shut down all non-essential activity and shelter in place and we are doing it! Further word informs that only essential businesses are allowed to be open and that is pretty much accepted. The reason for all the caution is a disease that appears to be world wide a virus type disease that most humans have not developed a resistance to and a disease that is easily spread from person to person, friend or stranger alike.

What amazes me is that most people across our country are doing it. Our streets seem deserted, yes schools are closed and only essential functions are taking place. There are reportedly rebels like some college youth who are taking a “Spring Break” on the beaches somewhere south. Still that option doesn’t seem to be as popular as is years past. Your columnist was tickled to read of a father, somewhere, that wouldn’t let his son back in the house after the kid did spring break in Florida.

Cousin Kynan, a General Surgeon, is temporarily in New Hampshire filling in for a local hospital’s surgeon who has been called back to military duty for a two month period. The displaced young man is a Naval Reserve MD and is on the USNS Comfort which just pulled into New York Harbor to aid in the coronavirus pandemic. Yes even the locals are helping out in a myriad ways.

Watching the big effort in New York City to counter the rising number of COVID-19 cases that are hospitalized one can only give thanks that we live in a much more sparsely populated area. So far I’ve not heard of anyone with the coronavirus locating in Red Willow County. ‘Tis a vain hope but I wish to keep it that way.

The TV networks seem to favor catching a doctor on break who has been involved in treating actual coronavirus patients and plying him/her with as many questions as possible. One gentleman in white scrubs, obviously tired, pointed out how the disease is transmitted from his experience in dealing with actual patients. His council was that in over 99% of cases it is most likely a person touches a surface that has been contaminated, coughed on or something like that, and then touches his own face in some manner. The doctor strongly counseled that any time before touching your own face you wash your hands or use hand sanitizer.

I thought good council I will try it. I am not around anyone who is an active coronavirus carrier nor do I go anyplace where the public frequents so it is a good time to practice the doctor’s council before it is really needed. Try it yourself. It is surprising how many times one catches yourself rubbing your eyes, nose or mouth before you realize you are doing so. It is just reflexive human nature to tend to yourself even though your hand has touched a possibly contaminated surface. The washing of hands or sanitizing is a learned habit. It is a habit that would be worthwhile to relearn to steer clear of exposing yourself to what can be a deadly disease especially if you like me are old and/or have health problems in your background.

I am confident that our researchers will find and test a cure for this new strain of deadly virus. Hopefully it will come before this old gentleman or his Grannie Annie gets exposed to the deadly disease. If it takes shelter in place or any of the other new buzzwords for not interacting with possible disease carriers so be it. Other than straightening up my office I’ve little to do but patiently wait. Hopefully that is your story also.

Grannie Annie and I are gratified that several of our neighbors have stepped up to purchase items that we might need. Their council is to stay out of stores and just stay home. The local Masonic Lodge also called to offer running errands for us as staying at home is thought to be a better safer alternative for the older set. Bless them all!

That is the way I saw it.

Dick Trail

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