Hospital locking doors at 5 p.m.

Thursday, March 19, 2020

McCook, Neb. — Beginning Tuesday, Community Hospital began locking the main entrance doors at 5 PM Monday through Friday, and throughout the weekend. When the front doors are locked, patients should enter through the emergency room entrance. Signs will be posted.

The doors will remain locked after 5 PM weekdays and on weekends until further notice due to the COVID-19 pandemic, according to Sharon Conroy, RN, Community Hospital Infection Preventionist. The decision was made to aid in staffing screening points at the hospital entrances.

As a reminder, visitation of all inpatients has been discontinued until further notice. Please consider Skype, Facetime and phone calls to make contact with loved ones and friends. Outpatients coming for tests, procedures, therapies, and rehab, etc. will be screened upon entering the hospital. Outpatients are requested to enter the facility unaccompanied, if possible. Community Hospital patient transporters are available to assist outpatients to their appointments and back to their vehicles.

“If you are sick, please stay home out of respect for our patients, visitors and staff’s safety. We thank you for your understanding during this time as we take precautionary action to protect everyone from COVID-19,” Conroy said. If you have questions about visitation contact Sharon Conroy.

If you have questions about COVID-19 and your health, call Southwest Nebraska Public Health Department at 308-345-4223, DHHS COVID-19 Information Line 402-552-6645, or go to

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  • At what time of day do the doors become unlocked?

    -- Posted by cmsytsma on Sat, Mar 21, 2020, at 6:11 AM
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