Letter to the Editor

Support local businesses during COVID-19 crisis

Monday, March 16, 2020

This past weekend was a great weekend of supporting McCook businesses! Saturday included Citta' Deli and their 5th annual St. Patrick's Day party that ties in closely with their 5 year anniversary of being in business! Congratulations Jade and Bill and thank you for all that you do in our community! Sunday lunch was (mostly) homemade pizza with a crust from Matt and Sehnert's which was awesome! And Sunday night finished off a great weekend with shrimp from Tyler McCarty and boy was it delicious, I even convinced myself to try a whole shrimp which was quite the experience!

With where we are at with Coronavirus/COVID-19, I really want to encourage everyone to support our local businesses more than ever. These businesses are continuing to adapt to the situation to provide the highest level of quality, cleanliness, and service to keep things as normal as possible. Keep in mind that OUR local businesses contribute to OUR community and you see their banners in OUR gyms, their names on the back of OUR youth sports shirts, and they provide monetary and product donations to OUR events. You don't see Amazon and eBay contributing to our communities. It's up to US to support OUR local community, so more than ever please do your best to keep your dollars local!

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  • If you are an older person, it is probably best to stay away from the kinds of places mentioned. So as not to get the virus which has a good chance of making you very ill or even end your life. It is also best to stay away because , even if you are not at great risk of getting messed up by the virus , you may pass it on to someone in your family or a friend who is very likely to be harshly affected by it. Why risk any of that?

    -- Posted by bob s on Mon, Mar 16, 2020, at 8:04 PM
  • *

    Bob S:


    Order take-out. That way you still provide the local restaurant community an income, while also keeping a safe distance from your fellow residents.

    -- Posted by Bruce Desautels on Mon, Mar 16, 2020, at 8:24 PM
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