Council considers TIF grant, LB840 funding

Friday, March 13, 2020

McCOOK, Neb. — The McCook City Council will be asked to approve tax increment financing for a proposed project on West B and economic development loan for another business, at the regular meeting Monday, 5:30 p.m., at city council chambers at the city municipal building.

The meeting will open with a public hearing for public comment concerning the proposed Redevelopment Plan for the Blackwood Enterprises Redevelopment Project. After the hearing, the council will meet as the Community Development Agency (CDA) and be asked to adopt a resolution that approves an amendment to the Redevelopment Plan for the City of McCook, to the City Council, and adopt a Cost Benefit Analysis, for the Blackwood Enterprises Redevelopment Project.

The CDA will then be asked to approve a redevelopment agreement that includes the use of Tax Increment financing, that the city council will be asked to approve also.

Blackwood Enterprises is proposing a redevelopment plan to improve a vacant building at 520 West B. The developer is proposing a mix of businesses at the renovated building. The McCook Planning Commission, at its March 9 meeting, has recommended approval of the project, although concerns were noted about parking.

Tax increment financing available to the developer has been estimated at $200,000, in a 15-year note with 5% interest.

From the regular agenda, the council will also be asked to consider approving a 10-year, $55,700 loan from the LB840 Economic Development Revolving Loan Fund Program to Robert V. Hall, president of Early Morning Cackle Spirit Shop/Bottle Shop. The LB840 program is funded by a portion of the .5% of the 1.5% McCook city sales tax.

According to the loan application, the loan will be used as a gap funding source to assist Early Morning Cackle with the purchase of the Bottle Shop and Spirit Shop. Since the application involves the purchase of real estate, city council approval is needed.

Other regular agenda items up for council approval are:

-On its third and final reading, an ordinance that adopts the official Extraterritorial Jurisdiction Zoning Map for the City of McCook, with the condition that Red Willow County adopt a zoning map to harmonize Red Willow County’s zoning jurisdiction with the City of McCook’s Extraterritorial Jurisdiction. The ordinance changes the city’s current jurisdiction radiating in a circle outside city limits, to follow section, half section and quarter section lines and along established county roads.

-Adopt a resolution approving an Interlocal agreement between the City of McCook and Red Willow County for the continued provision of building inspection and permitting services for Calabria Subdivision: regarding the city’s changed jurisdiction reach, this ordinance allows the city to continue to provide building inspection services to the residents of this sub division.

- on its third and final reading, a new city ordinance that makes it an offense to harass, harm, distract or prevent a police animal from assisting a police officer in the line of duty. If convicted, first offense is a fine of not less than $750.

- on third and final reading, several ordinances that were revised or created to eliminate potentially vague terms currently on the books concerning dangerous animals in the city, new requirements for owners of dangerous dogs and other animal issues. A total of six sections were amended, five were created and one repealed, cats at-large.

- second reading on amending animal impoundment and boarding fees at the McCook Humane Society. Under the ordinance, the daily board fee would increase from $3 per day to $15 per day, to more closely match what the shelter pays in costs.

- second reading to amend and repeal several city ordinances on Nuisance; Health and Sanitation and also for sections on abandoned vehicles, to reflect new state law.

Items from the consent agenda, that can be approved together in one motion without discussion or pulled for a separate vote, are:

- Approve the bid specifications for one new 30’ x 40’ metal garage for the Cemetery Department and set the date to receive bids as April 7, 2020 at 2 p.m.;

- Approve the request from Stacy Priebe to utilize city streets and walking trails for the 2020 Republican River Fitness Series Run for UV Relay on April 18, 2020.

- Award the bid for 2020 Armor Coating Project to Figgins Construction of Red Cloud, Nebraska in the amount of $3.93 per gallon, that being the lowest best bid.

-Approve the application for a Special Designated Liquor License submitted by JBN, Inc., dba Hi Times Liquor Mart 1, for a wedding reception at the McCook Municipal Auditorium, 302 West 5th Street, on April 18, 2020 from 12 p.m.. to 1 a.m.

-Receive and file the Financial Report for the period ending February 29, 2020.

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