Incumbents, challengers file for office
McCOOK, Neb. — The only local race in Red Willow County in the primary election May 12 will be for District 2 county commissioner.
In the general election Nov. 3, McCook council member incumbent Jerry Calvin will be challenged by Darcy Rambali and Dawson Brunswick.
District 2 county commissioner Steve Downer decided earlier this year that 20 years was enough, and he did not file for re-election by the incumbents’ deadline of Feb. 18.
Now, by the March 2 filing deadline for non-incumbents, two Republicans and one Democrat have filed for Downer’s seat. The two Republicans involved in a run-off will be Randy Dean of Indianola and Timothy M. Burke of rural Cambridge (within Red Willow County).
The name of the single Democrat in the race, Delaine J. Soucie, also of rural Cambridge inside Red Willow County, will automatically move on to the general election in November. Soucie attended the commissioners’ weekly meeting Monday morning.
Nonpartisan filings in the county clerk’s office for general election races have been:
Middle Republican Natural Resources Sub-District 4: Luke Olson, rural McCook. Rick Spencer did not refile for the position.
Middle Republican Natural Resources Sub-District 5: Incumbent Jolene Messinger, rural McCook.
McCook, District 0017, School Board: All incumbents Teresa Thomas, Tom Bredvick and Bradley Hays.
Southwest School District No. 0179, three openings: Jason Kloepping and Duane Teter, rural Bartley; and Brooke E. Brooks, rural Indianola. Incumbent Ondrea McConville did not file for re-election.
City of Indianola, two openings: Incumbents Joellyn Davidson and James Blume, both filed write-in affidavits after missing the incumbent’s deadline of Feb. 18; Challengers are Nathaniel J. Herrman, Paul Blume and Sean A. Fries.
City of McCook City Council, two openings: Jerry Calvin incumbent and challengers Darcy Rambali and Dawson Brunswick. Incumbent Janet Hepp did not file for re-election.