Home demolition, rate hikes on City Council agenda

Friday, November 29, 2019

McCOOK, Neb. -- The McCook City Council will be asked to address demolishing an abandoned house in McCook, at the regular council meeting on Monday, Dec. 2, 5:30 p.m. at city council chambers in the city municipal building.

As a consent agenda item that will not be discussed unless pulled by a council member, the council will be asked to authorized city staff to prepare a resolution fixing as a special assessment all costs incurred by the City for the demolition of the property located at 1107 West 4th Street, owned by Elisabeth Kleckner of North Platte, Neb. The resolution would provide for the filing of a lien against the property at the next regular council meeting. Costs total $15,326 and include $765 for asbestos inspection; $9,000 for demolishing the house and $5,561 for transfer station charges.

The abandoned house has been on the city’s radar for awhile and in May 2018, the council approved using ACE funds to demolish the structure, contingent on the property owner deeding the property to the city. ACE funds are not taxpayer funds but revenue derived from the gas company’s return program. 

Another consent agenda item is to receive and file the City of McCook Annual Occupation Tax Report for the fiscal year ended Sept. 30, 2019, as mandated by state law. Total occupation taxed collected for 2018-19 is $243,176. This includes the 4% hotel tax, $127,788; natural gas, $60,947; cable, $31,201; telecommunications, $16,077; beer and liquor, $6,720; and misc. - fireworks, $450.

From the regular agenda, the council will be asked to approve on third and final readings increasing the water rates by 6% and sewer rates by 3%. The 6% increase in water will mean, on average, an additional $28.45 per year for residential customers and $13.65 annually for residential sewer customers.

The council will also be asked to approve on second reading an ordinance amending the City of McCook's Local Option Economic Development Plan to provide for early childhood care and educational programs as a qualifying business.

Additional consent agenda items the council can approve together in one motion are:

- Approve the McCook Area Chamber of Commerce request to conduct the Annual Christmas Light Parade at 6:30 p.m. on Friday, Dec. 6, on Norris Avenue and West Second Street and authorize the streets to be closed to traffic during the parade; the flying in of Santa Claus at McCook Ben Nelson Regional Airport at 9 a.m. on Saturday, Dec. 7; and the participation of the Fire and Police Departments with the parade.

- Approve an application from Great Plains Communications to occupy city right-of-way for the purpose of installing underground fiber optic cable providing service to Horizon Bank at 312 W. First t Street.

- Approve the Grant of License with Community Hospital for use of right-of-way on portions of the east side of the 600 and 700 blocks of East 11th Street to construct off street parking and authorize the Mayor to sign.

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