City budget set for first of three reading

Friday, August 16, 2019

McCOOK, Neb. — Department purchases next year and how to allocate city sales tax revenue are some of the items the McCook City Council may discuss before adopting the 2010-20 budget, at Monday night’s regular meeting, 5:30 p.m. at city council chambers at the McCook Municipal Building.

The council will be asked to approve on first reading an ordinance that adopts the city’s budget for 2019-20. The budget will go through three readings before being officially adopted. At the budget workshop Aug. 12, department heads discussed various items in their budgets, such as new positions in the fire, police and cemetery departments and equipment purchases.

According to the preliminary budget, revenue from the 1.5% city sales is projected to be $1.2 million for 2019-20. Year-to-date actual revenue from the city sales tax is $1.13 million.

The city’s property tax request in 2018-19 was $1.4 million for the general fund, the same number for the preliminary 2019-20 budget. The city’s property tax levy is also remaining the same from last year, at .349044 per $100 valuation.

Proposed projects in last year’s budget using city sales tax revenue included street improvements at $250,000 and $314,645, drainage improvements, $214,771, library heating/cooling, $110,000, pool improvements, $130,000 and uncommitted, $82,976.

The council will also be asked to approve on first reading an ordinance to adopt the 2019/2020 Fiscal Year Employee Classification Pay Plan. This pay plan includes salaries with cost of living and merit increases for 2019-20.

Another ordinance the council will be asked to approve on first reading is No. 2019-2985, prohibiting persons under the age of eighteen years from the use and possession of tobacco, tobacco products, electronic cigarettes and vapor products, alternative nicotine products, and establish a penalty for violations.

Monday night’s meeting will begin with a public hearing for a report from the Economic Development Plan Citizen’s Advisory Review Committee, regarding its meeting on July 22. After the public hearing, the council will be asked to approve the report.

Consent agenda items scheduled, that can be approve in one motion unless pulled for discussion by a council member, city staff or member of the public, are:

-- Offer a contract to Myers Construction, Inc. with a bid of $582,325.71, as the lowest responsible bidder, for West 5th Street & East 14th Street Water System Improvements and authorize the Mayor to execute the necessary paperwork to award the contract. 

-- Approve a Lease of Tower Space and a Lease of Rack Space between the City of McCook and McCook Public Power District.

-- Approve the mayor’s appointment of Caitlin Whitehead to the Parks Advisory Board.

-- Approve the application for a special designated liquor license submitted by Outlaws 1882 Saloon, for a benefit/outdoor food event in their parking area, 1006 West "B" Street, on Sept. 7, 2019, from 111 a.m. to 11p.m. 
4.C. Receive and file the claims for the month of July 2019 as published August 12, 2019.

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