Five papers merging into 'The Valley Voice'

Friday, August 9, 2019

CAMBRIDGE, Neb. — Cambridge Clarion owners/publishers Ashley and Cody Gerlach are merging the Clarion and four other river valley newspapers into one publication they will call "The Valley Voice."

The new paper will combine the coverage of their newspapers, the Clarion, the Oxford Standard, the Indianola News, the Arapahoe Mirror and the Beaver City Times-Tribune, all located on the Republican River or Beaver Creek. The Gerlachs publish under the name CAMAS Publishing LLC.

Cody Gerlach wrote in the Clarion's Aug. 8 edition that the move to a regional newspaper will improve the quality of the product their readers are receiving. "It's going to improve the audience for our advertisers and it's going to have a bigger reach in terms of promoting our communities and their stories," Gerlach writes.

He explained in his column called "With a Grain of Salt" that the new newspaper will be tucked inside the each week's copy of the Cambridge Clarion for one year. After 52 consecutive issues — the period of time required by law for a newspaper to gain "legal" status — "The Valley Voice" will become its own legal newspaper, and on Aug. 13, 2020, the Cambridge Clarion will cease publication.

The new regional newspaper will have a circulation of 1,500.

The Gerlachs say that all subscriptions will be honored, and dual subscribers will be given total credit to their accounts. Offices will remain open in Arapahoe, Cambridge and Oxford; Cody writes, "We have no plans to close any of them. I promise." He added, " … the same faces will largely be working in those offices."

The Gerlachs are looking to expand their reporter, design and sales staff; contact Cody at

The Gerlachs also own the Elwood Bulletin and the Frontier County Enterprise.

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