
Mike Hendricks

Mike at Night

Mike Hendricks recently retires as social science, criminal justice instructor at McCook Community College.


UFO's revisited

Friday, June 14, 2019

Sometimes I find myself ahead of the news with my columns instead of behind it and that has happened again in regards to my column about UFO’s and the like. The lead story in this week’s edition of “The Week” is all about taking UFO’s seriously. In a nutshell, here’s what the story had to say.

After decades of blaming weather balloons, bird clusters and off cloud formations, the U.S. military is finally taking UFO’s seriously reported Helene Cooper in The New York Times. In December, the Pentagon acknowledged it has been studying them through the the “shadowy, little-known Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP), formed in 2007.

In April, the Navy issued new guidelines on how pilots should reports encounters. Now five airmen have publicly described a host of “strange objects” they observed off the East Coast in 2014 and 2015. With no visible engine or exhaust plumes, the objects darted around at hypersonic speeds, making sudden stops and starts impossible for man-made craft and nearly crashed into a pilot who came in for a closer look. “Wow, what is that man?” one pilot exclaimed in a taped close encounter. “Look at it fly!” (The Week magazine, June 14, 2019)

Now I have to admit that would normally be some pretty credible and amazing information being released by Armed Forces pilots had these experiences not been reported before. But they have been and previous reports were astonishingly similar to this report. But you don’t have to be a college graduate to surmise that if UFO’s were really alien spacecraft powered and driven by alien beings and smart enough to find living beings on a planet that gave birth to life like their own that the last thing they would do would plan a modern version of tag with the planet’s inhabitants without attempting to make contact with us at all.

To even consider the possibility that they decided to come to earth to play tag with us seems absurd. And if they didn’t come to play tag, why did they come? There have been rumors of aliens and the spacecraft they fly circling around the globe for as long as there have been people here.

In fact some of the earliest cave drawings depict earthlings interacting with men dressed in what could only be described as space suits. Was this a reality or simply wishful thinking? As I said in my previous column, if they’ve been here for this long without making themselves known, we must be blessed with benevolent aliens instead of angry ones.

Further reporting by The Week suggests that UFO’s have finally come out of the fringe and into the mainstream according to Nick Pope in the New York Post. He goes on to conclude that we now have video of and details on “multiple events where UFO’s have been tracked on radar and chased by military jets,” including a 2004 incident in which the USS Nimitz carrier strike group was buzzed by several high-speed objects.

We’ve heard all these reports before and they’re obviously made, for the most part, by intelligent adults of sound mind and body. But that doesn’t mean what they’ve seen are aliens or inter-planetary space craft. We’ve all seen one thing only to find out later it bore no resemblance to what we thought it was because our brain overrules our logic. Our brain allows us to see things as we wish rather than as they are and herein lies the eternal problem that has always existed within us. We see what we want to see. And that’s what I will continue to believe until proof positive is presented that refutes my theory.

Everything we do is predicated by the condition of knowing what we want rather than seeing things as they actually are and until that condition is solved once and for all, I’ll stay grounded on terra firma rather than searching the stars.

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  • With the Proliferation of cell phone camera's I would have expected a Proliferation of self recorded sightings of: UFO's, Big Foot and the Loch Ness Monster.

    -- Posted by wallismarsh on Thu, Jun 20, 2019, at 7:59 AM
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