Internship fuels non-traditional MCC student's passion for graphic design

Tuesday, May 7, 2019
Alyson Marin at work on one of her design projects.
MCC Photo

McCOOK, Neb. — Several years removed from graduating from high school in St. Francis, Kan., Alyson Marin found herself a long ways away from where she thought she’d be – just working for paychecks. She’d gone to college for two years, even studied abroad, but still, her life was lacking… something.

Mothers know best, as the saying goes, and Alyson’s mother seemed to sense what was lacking. She was familiar with McCook Community College and the growing reputation of its Graphic Design and Visual Communication Program and urged Aly to check it out.

She did. She moved to McCook as a non-traditional freshman and -- in an unexpected place -- found the passion her life was lacking. She enrolled at MCC and started working part-time in the hose division at Parker. It turned out to be the perfect fit, leading her creative talents to blossom, taking what she’s learned at school and putting it into practice at work.

Christopher Rutt, Human Resource Manager for Parker-McCook said his company had been wanting to update its recruiting material and come up with something modern-looking that would appeal to today’s work force especially college and high school students. They also wanted to highlight life in McCook to entice potential recruits and hoped to have it created locally – ideally by somebody with ties to the community and college.

“We wanted it created by someone local with not only the ties to the community but someone in college as we wanted to give experience to these young professional and give them a look at what graphic design can be in a large organization,” said Rutt.

As it turned out, the perfect candidate was already working part-time in the hose department.

“When we found out Aly was taking classes in graphic design we approached her asking if she wanted to take this project on.” Rutt said.

After discussions with her instructor Becky Meyers at MCC, they agreed and Aly began her internship in January as her second semester at MCC began. Meyers said she’s had first-year students take on internships before but said this recruitment packet might have been the most significant internship project a first-year student has ever undertaken, because of the variety of responsibilities the project entailed.

After reviewing Parker’s objectives, and interviewing them. She also worked with printers, learned about different types of paper, received quotes for the project, placed the order and delivered the product to the client. In developing the section promoting McCook as a great place to live, she met with and worked closely with the McCook Chamber of Commerce and Red Willow County Tourism, using some of their photos to showcase McCook.

“Aly experienced the complete process--from client consultation, to research, concept, design, and print,” Meyers said. “It’s turned out to be a great partnership for both Parker and MCC.”

“This was meaningful work,” Aly said. “I’ve been excited by this and it has fueled my passion.”

The final product includes the McCook-specific recruitment folder, an insert and other promotional items and her bosses were pleased.

“Aly really did a great job designing this recruitment packet for us,” said Jeff Crick, Human Resources Specialist, Parker Hannifin Corporation.

Rutt said Parker will take this material outside of the state to numerous colleges to highlight McCook and Parker McCook.

“I think she did an amazing job and we already are planning to utilize her again for other projects,” Rutt said.

“This experience will serve Aly well in the future,” Meyers said.

For Aly, the path she’s taken in less than a year, has changed her life starting with her visit to the MCC campus.

“I just remember being so impressed with the work the students were doing here,” so she enrolled in the fall and a short time later started a seasonal position with Parker, which has helped fuel her passion and put her creativity to work for something she loves to do.

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