Wolves destroy 16-0 South Platte Knights
MAYWOOD, Neb. — Wolves are more dangerous than ever following the Maywood-Hayes Center girls’ 51-19 annihilation of South Platte Tuesday night.
The Knights roared into MH-C with a perfect 16-0 record — but only scored 15 points during those first three quarters against coach Kim Stengle’s 17-5 team.
Junior Avery Johnson’s 17 points nearly matched the Knight team total. She helped the Wolves take a big early 18-4 bite against their foes who were ranked No. 10 among Class C-2 girls teams.
Senior Paige Wood powered inside to another 12 points and classmate Jayden Widener added 11.
Yet just as impressive was how the Wolves held South Platte to only six field goals all night.
The Knights — now 16-1 — hit just six of their 32 shots for 19 percent.
Johnson and junior Abbie Brott each blocked a Blue Knight shot with Johnson causing seven other deflections that disrupted the visitors’ attack.
Sophomores Jaycee Widener (eight points) and Jaycee Lapp (three) completed the M-HC scoring attack.
They took a 26-10 lead into halftime and didn’t lose any intensity as the margin reached 38-15 through three.
Sophomore Autumn Dickmander and freshman Lauryn Stanley finished with five points apiece for the Blue Knights.
Wood pulled down a team-high seven rebounds for other M-HC highlights.
Johnson swiped seven of an incredible 22 Wolves steals from South Platte. She also delivered six assists.
Jaycee Widener made six assists and five steals as the Wolves shared points brilliantly throughout this latest big win.