MNB's road to a state baseball final

Thursday, July 26, 2018
Coach Scott Smalley (right) instructs the McCook National Bank Seniors during their B-6 area championship game with Gothenburg Monday night in Holdrege. Drew Harvie (2), Spencer Krysl, Logan Greenlee and DJ Gross are among the players pictured. Trailing 3-0 through five innings, the Legion Post 203 Seniors (24-14) rallied for a 6-4 win which clinched their Class B state tournament spot starting on Saturday at Wayne.
R.B. Headley/McCook Gazette

WAYNE, Neb. — McCook’s 285-mile journey to Wayne will hopefully last through Wednesday’s Class B Legion state championship game.

Alliance appears to be a favorite with its 38-4 record which includes two late-season wins over McCook National Bank.

Wahoo will bring a 25-10 record and topped MNB in the Kearney Jerseys Tournament nearly two months ago.

McCook’s not far off the pace at 24-14 while Hickman owns a 19-10 record according to

The MNB Seniors open against Bennington on Saturday with first pitch set for 1 p.m. Bennington was just 15-13 entering Sunday but won its area tournament.

A glance at the entire Class B state schedule:


Game 1: Alliance vs. Hickman, 10 a.m. Game 2: McCook vs. Bennington, 1 p.m. Game 3: Springfield vs. Wahoo, 7 p.m. Game 4: Host Wayne vs. Lincoln Lutheran, 7 p.m.


Game 5: Losers of Alliance-Hickman and McCook-Bennington, 10 a.m. Game 6: Losers of Springfield-Wahoo and Wayne-L.L., 1 p.m. Game 7: Winners of Alliance-Hickman and McCook-Bennington, 4 p.m. Game 8: Winners of Springfield-Wahoo and Wayne-L.L., 7 p.m.


Game 9: Game 6 winner vs. Game 7 loser, 1 p.m. Game 10: Game 5 winner vs. Game 8 loser, 4 p.m. Game 11: Game 7 winner vs. Game 8 winner, 7 p.m.


Game 12: Game 9 winner vs. Game 11 loser, 4 p.m. Game 13: Gme 11 winner vs. Game 10 winner, 7 p.m.


Championship: Game 13 winner vs. Game 12 winner, 5 p.m. Second title game if needed.

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