Heritage Hills men's golf update

Thursday, July 19, 2018

McCOOK, Neb. — Heritage Hills Men’s Golf League continued Wednesday night with Mead Lumber and MNB Financial Group now sharing B League most points.

A League

Culbertson Bank 66.5

Old Sarge’s 64.5

MGT 58

McCook Lettering 56

Golight 55

Trenton Ag. Red 54.5

Loop/Coppermill 53.5

Redel’s Lawn/

Kohl Auto 53

Samway/Barntt’s 49.5

First Central

Bank Red 46.5

Studio 205 46

Sis Farms 45

B League

Mead Lumber 59.5

MNB Finan. Grp 59.5


Bull Bows 56.5

First Central

Bank White 55.5

T. Pinkal Const. 55

Red Willow

Aviation Red 54

Trenton Agency

Purple 53.5

Hauxell Motors 53.5

Comm. Hospital 51.5

American Electric 51

D&T Electric 44.5

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