Parrish anniversary
Friday, May 18, 2018

Dwight and Maxine (Wilson) Parrish
60th anniversary
Dwight and Maxine (Wilson) Parrish of Hendley, Neb., are requesting a card shower in honor of the couple’s 60th wedding anniversary. They were married June 1, 1958, in Lexington, Neb. Their family includes children, Sandra of Tucson, Ariz., Kevin and wife, Dana of Pleasant Hill, Ore., Susan and husband, Bernie of Overton, Neb., and Rebecca and husband, Mike of Cheyenne, Wyo.; seven grandchildren: Ben, Will, Caleb, Jacob, Logan, Kellen and Katherine; and three great-grandchildren, Holt, Carter, Waylon. The couple is looking forward to celebrating with family and friends during the annual Fourth of July gathering at their farm in Hendley. Cards of congratulations will reach them at 70946 Road 418, Hendley, NE 68946.