Letter to the Editor

Commissioner should resign

Thursday, May 17, 2018

Dear Editor,

I am writing you concerning the article in the McCook Gazette about Red Willow County Commissioner McNutt tossing a rake in front of a moving school bus.

I find it hard to believe that Commissioner McNutt will not have any type of repercussion taken against him concerning this incident.

The school bus is a vehicle that every year the Gazette has articles on concerning safety when the bus is on the roads. The paper points out the laws that are specific to school busses and the consequences that can occur if a violation is found.

A video shows Earl McNutt tossing a rake at the moving bus. His intent at the time was probably done, hoping that the bus received a flat tire. This can cause the bus to lose control and potentially crash.

Because Earl McNutt is the current president of the Red Willow County Commissioners, it was decided that no action will be taken concerning this incident.

In essence, the good ole boy network is alive and well at the Red Willow County courthouse.

McNutt's supervisor will do nothing since technically Commissioner McNutt is the chief county employee. in other words, there is nobody above him. Earl McNutt gets off free.

McCook Public Schools Superintendent Norgaard did the correct thing by reporting Earl McNutt tossing a rake at a moving school bus to Sheriff Kotschwar.

He took this as a serious violation concerning the school bus. I bet he was flabbergasted to find that Red Willow County Sheriff Alan Kotschwar decided that no legal action is going to take place. I suppose in the sheriff's mind, Earl McNutt votes on his salary. There is nothing to see wrong with that logic according to the sheriff.

Had this been anyone else working on the roads crew that tossed a rake at a moving school bus, all hell would have taken place.

Jacque Riener McNutts supervisor would probably have stated that actions taken by a member of the county roads crew would not be tolerated therefore the employee would have been fired.

Sheriff Kotschwar would have sought legal actions against this individual. But that scenario would have happened if both Reiner and Kotschwar were doing their job properly.

Since this is County Commissioner McNutt, as Sheriff Kotschwar says, there will be no charges filed.

Earl McNutt needs to resign his post as a Red Willow County Commissioner. It is obvious to this writer, he is using his position to isolate himself from any legal or internal corrective actions. His actions prove he is above the law.

Sheriff Kotschwar needs to open a proper investigation and deal with the legal ramifications of Commissioner McNutt's actions.

The safety of our children and those employees of the school system should not have to fear anyone taking actions against them that can cause harm.

It is in this manner that Red Willow County Commissioner needs to do the proper thing and resign from office.

Steve Lenhart

McCook, Neb.

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  • "In essence, the good ole boy network is alive and well at the Red Willow County courthouse" - this may likely be true.

    -- Posted by bob s on Sat, May 19, 2018, at 9:11 AM
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  • Hang in there Earl, you did the right thing by bringing this to the attention of the public, I might have been inclined to aim a little higher. I don't hear anyone complaining about the bus driver which is the one that was endangering lives, not Earl. Was the driver fired or reprimanded?

    -- Posted by salamat on Mon, May 28, 2018, at 1:43 PM
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