Bison golfers earn trio of medals

OGALLALA, Neb. — If McCook can match Thursday’s performance at the B-6 district today, the Bison golfers will likely be going to next week’s Class B state tournament as a team.
McCook placed second overall in the Ogallala Invite Thursday with Brady Esch firing a team and season-best 78.
Esch finished behind only Sidney’s Connor Dormann (76), who also led the Red Raiders to a team title (326) just ahead of McCook (338).
However, the Bison outgolfed 10 other teams with most returning to Ogallala for today’s B-6 district showdown.
The top three teams and 10 individuals automatically advance into Class B state tourney play starting one week from today.
Esch fired 38 on the front nine to share early tourney top honors with Perkins County’s Josh Johnston.
Though Dormann dropped to 37 during those last nine holes, Esch still scored 40 for his strongest tourney performance.
Johnston shot 48 and didn’t even break the top 10.
Tanner Unger’s 96 finished the Bison team score.
Coach Rick Haney provided these comments about the Bison:
“Today was a good day for the Bison golf squad. We managed to put together three respectable scores to help us capture second place in a prelude to our district tournament back at Ogallala Monday (today). Ten of our 12 district teams were there today with only Lexington and Hastings AC being the two who did not attend.
The wind was definitely a factor today as all the teams had to battle it. The golf course is outside of town and there is nothing to break the wind...thus it provided some interesting challenges to the kids.
Sidney did a great job today by scoring a 326 and winning the invite. We know Sidney, along with two to three other teams, will be competing for the three spots to get to the state tournament later this month.
Leading the Bison was Brady Esch who had a very solid day by scoring a 78 and getting second in the tournament.
Gabe Vielma and Trevor Oberg both scored 82s to finish ninth and 10th to give the Bison three medalist in the top 10 individuals.
Both Tanner Unger and Hunter Hays (102)did some really nice things but found that the course contained many bad bounces and the pin placements got to them too many times.
I know both these players will be focusing over the next few days to get their games back and to help the team on next Monday (today).”
Top 10 team scores and placers at Ogallala:
Teams: 1. Sidney 326, 2. McCook 338, 3. Gering 342, 4. Scottsbluff 345, 5. Perkins County 348, 6. Alliance 353, 7. Cozad 362, 8. Gothenburg 364, 9. Holdrege 368, 10. Hershey 369.
Top 10 individuals: 1. C. Dormann, SID, 76; 2. Brady Esch, McCook, 78; 3. J. Scott, GER, 80; 4. C. Jobman, SID, 81; 5. T. Berry, CHAD, 81; 6. C. Murphy, OGA, 81; 7. T. Patrick, PC, 82; 8. J. Burke, SID, 82; 9. Gabe Vielma, McCook, 82; 10. Trevor Oberg, McCook, 82.