Letter to the Editor

Bizarre world

Friday, May 11, 2018

Dear Editor,

I always thought American was a kid-friendly place where wholesome values were cherished and children were nurtured and protected. I guess I was wrong.

In Trump’s bizarre world, parents are put in the position of having to explain to their children what a porn star is. That’s just sick and wrong.

Yet that’s tiddlywinks compared with his most recent action: Trump has now declared all-out war against America’s most vulnerable children. He has requested a $7 billion dollar cut to the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP). CHIP is a popular program that provides aid to families whose income is too high to qualify for Medicare but too low to afford health insurance. He wants to compromise or eliminate the ability of the 8.9 million children enrolled in the program to access health care so he can dump that money back into the Treasury. Then he can give more money to America’s wealthiest people who don’t need it. And, just like the tax scam, all this is on the backs of the working class and poor who struggle to pay for things like food and housing.

I can’t even begin to think of anything more un-American than attacking our own children. But I bet Trump can.


Pat Holder

Wauneta, Nebraska

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  • Pat, another way of looking at being kid friendly is that Trump is pro life and works to let all children live. The cut in the program allows working families to keep more of the money they earn to support their own family instead of making them pay for programs for parents that had more kids than they can afford. On the “tax scam”, I do believe that all that are working are getting at least four percent fewer federal tax dollars taken out of our checks. I understand your position but again, there are other ways of looking at each issue.

    -- Posted by dennis on Fri, May 11, 2018, at 7:41 PM
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  • Pornagraphy and prostitution have been around since human realized they could make money off it. But never in history have we ever had a media so hell-bent on destroying a legitimately elected leader that every secret must be, and repeatedly exposed.

    Oh and the CHIP program expired last year, why pour money into a program that expired?

    -- Posted by Hugh Jassle on Tue, May 15, 2018, at 10:37 AM
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