Susi Curl, MCC math instructor, wins 1017-18 Budig Outstanding Faculty Award

McCOOK, Neb. — McCook Community College math instructor Susi Curl was named winner of the 2017-18 Dr. Gene A. Budig Outstanding Faculty Award at MCC. Budig, an MCC graduate, provides a $1,000 award each year to recognize and honor outstanding educators.
Her nomination pointed out that “it is rare in education for faculty who teach subjects traditionally difficult for students - such as math -- to be recognized by their students as a “favorite” teacher. For Susi Curl, this is a regular occurrence.
“I have had the privilege of working with Susi for most of my career here at McCook and I cannot recall a student whom she had in class who didn’t’ have wonderful things to say about her,” said a letter nominating Curl for the award.

“We even had a vice president who decided he needed to brush up on his math skills who took her class a few years ago. What pressure – your boss in class – but true to form, but according to a co-worker, Susi handled this ‘challenging; student with her typical laid-back, positive style.”
According to fellow teachers, Curl’s no-nonsense teaching style has served many students well. She clearly lays out expectations and supports students in reaching their goals.
She has been a particular force in the dual credit opportunities MCC has established with McCook High School.
“In fact, I would say she was “the” dual credit person before there was such a thing,” the nominating letter said.
Long before others were meeting the needs of students at the high school, Susi had a regular following of students who came to really learn math. Students taking her classes are well-prepared to meet the demands of math in college and beyond.
Not only does she support students in the classroom, but she regularly attends campus events. Susi knows the students, what they are involved with, and how to interact with them to bring out their best in and out of the classroom. When alumni return to visit campus, a trip to Susi’s office is generally scheduled.
“Susi is also a positive part of the community. I’m confident she does as much to promote MCC in her work at the pharmacy as any commercial ever could.
“When people see Susi they think MCC and MCC is proud to know and work with Susi and we look forward to watching her continue to represent MCC with pride.”