Forbes, Warner engagement

Friday, May 11, 2018
Nicole Forbes and Logan Warner



Nicole Forbes of Beaver City, Neb., and Logan Warner of Arapahoe, Neb., announce their engagement and upcoming wedding.

Parents of the bride-to-be are Steve and Lorenda Forbes of Beaver City. Grandparents are Lester and Marilyn Betts and Midge Forbes, all of McCook, Neb.

Parents of the prospective bridegroom are Erv and Lorri Warner of Arapahoe. Grandparents are Marjorie Warner of Arapahoe and Patricia Moon, of Lexington, Neb.

The bride-to-be is currently attending graduate school at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln for speech-language pathology.

The prospective bridegroom graduated from Southeast Community College-Beatrice in 2016 with a degree in livestock management. He is currently building his own cow herd and working on his family’s farm.

An Aug. 18, 2018, wedding is planned at First Presbyterian Church in Beaver City.