Call 811 before you dig
Monday, April 30, 2018

McCook Elementary third grader KayLeigh Steinbeck shovels dirt around the new “Little Devil” ninebark shrub that students planted Friday to recognize “Arbor Day 2018,” to observe “April: Safe Digging Month” and to honor the school’s winners of a state-wide poster contest that instructs anyone who digs a hole to “Call 811 Before You Dig.” Students and their teachers dressed like pirates — after learning how to dig safely for “treasures.” From “Nebraska811” — the state’s one-call communication point for anyone digging anywhere — Principal Greg Borland accepted a picnic bench and an underground utility safety award for the school’s practice of safe excavation guidelines.
Connie Jo Discoe/McCook Gazette

Winners of the poster contest judged by the board of directors of Nebraska811 are, from left, Jenna Niklason, Jackie Satler, Audrey Wilson and Arianna Pate.
Connie Jo Discoe/McCook Gazette