Bison bring home three Zorn team titles

Friday, April 27, 2018

GOTHENBURG, Neb. — McCook athletes won three of the four junior high team titles at Thursday’s Dutch Zorn Relays.

The rundown of all top four Bison finishers:

“A” Boys

Teams: 1. McCook 100.95, 2. Lexington 88, 3. Cozad 45, 4. Gothenburg 40, 5. Ogallala 19.

400-relay: 1. Cozad 49.27, 2. McCook 49.45 (Jacob Gomez-Wilson-Cole Cappel-Nate Reiners-Branson McDonald). 800-relay: 1. McCook 1:48.01 (Logan Havlicek-Hunter Hansen-Teegan Rice-Nate Reiners). 3200-relay: 1. McCook 9:31.38 (Logan Havlicek-Cole Cappel-Nate Renner-Josh Hegwood). Split medley relay: 1. McCook 1:55.18 (Kaden Jernigan-Gary Shafer-Jacob Gomez-Wilson-Hunter Hansen). Distance medley relay: 1. Cozad 13:58.06; 4. McCook 14:38.3 (Matthew Pochop-Wyatt Meyers-Isaac Hinze-Glenn Ruggles). 4 x 70 shuttle hurdle relay: 1. Cozad 53.07, 2. McCook 54.3 (Garrett Kaps-Tyler Steer-Lane Harris-Rice).

Shot put: 1. Max Weimer 40’7” (PR); 2. Layne Stevens 30’10”; 3. Ryland Peters 27’4” (PR). High jump: 1. T. Bartels, GOTH, 5’2”; 2. Brendon Gillen 5’; 3. Hegwood 5’. Long jump: 1. Brendan Gillen 18’1 1/4” (PR); 2. Havlicek 16’4” (PR); 3. Caden Edwards 15’10 1/2”.

“B” Boys

Teams: 1. McCook 79.95, 2. Ogallala 38, 3. Gothenburg 31.9, 4. Cozad 6.

800-relay: 1. McCook 1:53.63 (Jacob Gomez-Wilson-Lucas Gomez-Wilson-Blazen Mooney-Dylan Harvie). Split medley relay: 1. McCook 2:01.34 (Andres Cushman Cabrera-Kobe Jackson-Cole Thomas-Jadon Karp). 4 x 70 shuttle hurdles relay: 1. McCook 1:03.4 (Alex Messinger-Jett Gillen-Tristen Krueger-Payton Dellevoet).

Shot put: 1. Jarrett Walter 26’7” (PR); 2. Eloy Carbajal 26’6”; 3. Nate Huff 24’5” (PR). Discus: 1. Max Weimer 112’11” (PR); 2. Walter 79’8” (PR); 3. Peters 73’ (PR). Discus: 1. Nate Huff 70’6” (PR); 2. Mooney 67’1”; 3. Dylan Rouse 61’10” (PR). High jump: 1. Eloy Carbajal 4’8” (PR); 2. Jernigan 4’6”. Triple jump: 1. Nate Renner 32’8 1/2” (PR); 2. Adam Dugger 32’4” (PR); 3. Jonas Sommerville 32’1” (PR).

“A” Girls

Teams: 1. McCook 64, 2. Gothenburg 50, 3. Lexington 48, 4. Cozad 44, 5. Ogallala 18.

400-relay: 1. McCook 53.63 (Chayse Friehe-Ainsley Taylor-Emma Dutton-Shawna Wilkinson). 800-relay: 1. McCook 1:57.75 (Chayse Friehe-Kennedy Walter-Addison Randel-Peyton Doucet). 1600-relay: 1. McCook 4:36.06 (Hailey Farr-Addison Randel-Emma Dutton-Shawna Wilkinson). Split medley relay 100-200-400: 1. McCook 2:08.56 (Xyzanthia Bair-Ainsley Taylor-Peyton Doucet-Joslyn Hammond). Split medley relay: 1. Cozad 5:11.82; 2. McCook 5:18.18 (Broomfield-Nevayah Jones-Davis-Kailynn Rodewald). Split medley relay (200-200-400-800): 1. Cozad 5:11.82; 2. McCook 5:18.18 (Broomfield-Jones-Davis-Rodewald). Distance medley relay: 1. Lexington 14:41.31, 3. McCook 16:02.3 (Sandra Hixon-Walter-Tucker-Rodewald). 4 x 70 shuttle hurdles relay: 1. McCook 56.54 (Emma Dutton-Haley Mihm-Abbie Johnson-Ainsley Taylor).

Shot put: 1. M. Moats, Lexington 31’; 2. Sierra Kotschwar 29’6” (PR); 4. Britttni Kinne 26’6 1/2” (PR). Discus: 1. Sierra Kotschwar 85’3” (PR). High jump: 1. Addison Randel 5’2” (PR); 3. Calina Allen 4’6”. Pole vault: 1. Chays Friehe 8’3” (PR); 4. Nelson 6’. Long jump: 1. M. Dang, Lex, 14’4 3/4”; 3. Bair 14’1”; 4. Honn 13’9 1/4” (PR).

“B” Girls

Teams: 1. Lexington 72, 2. Gothenburg 40, 3. McCook 28, 4. Ogallala 6.

800-relay: 1. McCook 2:09.81 (Kaedin Waugh-Avery Broomfield-Gwyneth Davis-Katence Matthews). Split medley relay 100-200-400: 1. McCook 2:16.37 (Tesa Nelson-Makynna Cunningham-Gwyneth Davis-Joy Rippen). Split medley relay (200-200-400-800): 1. Lexington 5:30.26; 2. McCook 5:30.52 (Abbie Johnson-Josslyn Claflin-Madison Tarencz-Rasmussen-Kaylee Leverett).

Shot put: 1. Graci Nelson 25’1 1/2” (PR); 2. Gracie Wiemers 24’7 1/4’ Z(PR); 3. Cunningham 23’2”. Discus: 1. B. Draskovic, Lex, 63’; 2. Madison Smith 60’2”; 4. Trinity Petty 52’11”. High jump: 1. Laci Stewart 4’4” ; 2. Tori Honn 4’4” (PR). Pole vault: 1. Abbie Johnson 6’6” (PR). Long jump: 1. Josslyn Claflin 12’4 1/2” (PR); 2. Sophia Jones 12’4 1/2” (PR).

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