College programs recommended for continued offering
McCOOK, Neb. — Two programs will be continued, welding equipment purchased and a new student organization for military veterans was approved by the Mid-Plains Community College board of governors Wednesday night.
Meeting in McCook, the board heard a report on McCook Community College’s Early Childhood program from Tyler Esch, family and consumer sciences instructor, and from Becky Meyers on the college’s graphic design program.
Both programs were approved as presented and will be forwarded to the state Coordinating Commission for Postsecondary Education.
The board approved the purchase of six dual welding stations, 12 welding curtains, and four downdraft tables at a cost not to exceed $102,366 from Clean Air America Inc. for the CAST Building in McCook.
The governors also approved the creation of a student organization for veterans known as the Stars and Stripes Association. Dr. Brian Obert, area dean of student life, and MCC student Riley Sadd, both veterans, discussed starting a support group for veterans that would offer camaraderie among vets on campus and encourage veteran participation in community events.
Also accepted were the resignations or retirements of faculty members Lynn Salyer, Roger Volentine and Diane Walter.
Following a 27-minute closed session, the board reconvened without taking action. The next meeting will be 6:30 p.m. May 23 in North Platte.