Dicke birthday
Friday, April 27, 2018

Leonard P. Dicke
90th birthday
The family of Leonard P. Dicke of McCook is requesting a card shower in honor of his 90th birthday on Sunday, April 29, 2018. He was born on a farm near Wauneta, Neb., in 1928. He worked for the State of Nebraska Department of Roads for many years, before retiring in 1990 and has lived in McCook for a little over 60 years. His family includes wife, Shirley, whom he married in 1952; children, Larry and wife, Therea) of McCook, Jan and husband, Jim Ashby of Geneva, Neb., and Karen of McCook; 6 grandchildren, 2 great-grand children, and many other relatives. Cards of congratulations will reach him at 607 West F Street,
McCook, NE 69001.