Hughes: No incentive for urban senators to press for property tax relief

McCOOK, Neb. — State Sen. Dan Hughes said Gov. Ricketts was disappointed that the Legislature could not come up with property tax or tax relief before the session ended Wednesday.
Hughes said he is one of 13 senators seeking a special session on that specific topic, but “there’s no way 20 more will sign on. A special session is not going to happen.”
Hughes said that there is no incentive for his “more urban colleagues” to press for property tax relief.
Hughes explained that LR266 urges the state’s federal delegation to work with the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation and Nebraska Game and Parks to allow 232 trailer owners to leave their trailers on Harry Strunk, Hugh Butler and Swanson lakes beyond a 2020 Bureau deadline.
Hughes said that the resolution, which the Legislature adopted April 11, “is all we can do at the state level.”