Commissioners approve plan to use wastewater from dairy

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

McCOOK, Neb. — At their weekly meeting Monday morning, Red Willow County commissioners approved a conditional use permit for an irrigator to use waste water from a dairy northeast of McCook.

Brad Randel of rural Indianola, representing Randel Family Ltd. and Randel Family Trust, sought the county’s permission to pump waste water from Kingdom Dairy to irrigation pivots (an existing system and a system to be installed) in Section 34, Township 4, Range 29.

Commissioners conducted a public hearing, during which no one appeared to speak for or against the permit, and back in their regular meeting, unanimously approved Randel’s permit request.

Kristi Korell, the county’s zoning administrator, told commissioners that approval of the permit was recommended to the commissioners by the county’s planning commission, which met April 11 and heard testimony from Ted Boersma, the owner of Kingdom Dairy, and Randel during a public hearing.

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