McCook girls win Lex Invite

Wednesday, April 11, 2018
McCook junior and returning Class B No. 2 singles state champ Kassidy Michaelis smashed through the No. 1 singles division at Lexington on Tuesday.
Gabe Gauthier/McCook Gazette

LEXINGTON, Neb. — They brought the brooms and dropped a boom on most every foe as numerous sweeps helped power McCook’s tennis girls to another title on Tuesday.

Class B’s defending state champs tallied 66 points that topped 11 other teams, even though senior Cassidy Beeby did not compete because of an injury.

Senior Syd Thompson and sophomore Kori Uerling stepped in for second at No. 1 singles with a 5-1 record. They swept North Platte, Ogallala and Scottsbluff all by 8-0 scores.

Meanwhile, Riley Hansen and Syd Stewart were teaming for a 6-0 sweep through No. 2 doubles. These girls owned the city of Hastings with an 8-0 win over Adams Central and 8-1 triumph vs. Hastings.

The super duo joined junior No. 1 singles player Kassidy Mchaelis as McCook’s individual champions.

Michaelis continues to roll at No. 1 singles much like she dominated No. 2 play through the last two years.

The two-time state finalist mowed a path to Nebaska’s Panhandle by scoring 8-0 wins over Hershey, Ogallala and Gering.

Michaelis also won yet another state finals rematch with Lexington’s Brylee Lauby.

The Bison bombshell blasted to an 8-3 victory over Lauby, and Michaelis’ closest match all day was 8-4 against Kearney Catholic.

McCook still received a good challenge from the Lex Invite field. Holdrege only fell six points behind the Bison, 66-60, and Lexington scored 54 points on its home courts.

Holdrege was the only force to stop senior Hailey Potthoff from a 6-0 sweep through No. 2 singles.

Potthoff barely lost in a 9-8 (7-3) tiebreaker after delivering impressive decisions against Scottsbluff (8-0), Adams Central (8-2) and Hastings Hastings St. Cecilia (8-2).

The versatile volleyball, dance team and tennis athlete put on two more great performances. Potthoff defeated both North Platte and Ogallala, 8-5.

North Platte could only tie Adams Central for sixth place (30 points each).

Ogallala totaled 28 points (ninth) and now gets ready to dual the Bison on McCook’s home courts Thursday starting at 1:30 p.m.

The double dual brings talented Holdrege to McCook. Those Dusters and Bison are set for a 4 p.m. dual on Thursday.

No information was obtained about Beeby’s availability for the final home duals of 2018.

She battled through knee problems last fall and still helped McCook’s softball team win a district championship.

Holdrege and Ogallala will dual between the two Bison duals.

Watch for results on Friday.

Team five team scores among 12 competing: 1. McCook 66, Holdrege 60, 3. Lexington 54, 4. Kearney Catholic 48, 5. Alliance 32.

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