Mobile Pantry set

Tuesday, April 3, 2018
Kenedi and Cammi Merklin helped with a one-day “Mobile Pantry” in Benkelman in 2017. The Mobile Pantry truck from the Food Bank for the Heartland, based in Omaha, will make another stop in Benkelman on Saturday, April 14, at the firehouse on the corner of Seventh and A streets, from 11 a.m. until 1 p.m. MT. Shoppers must live in Nebraska, and bring their own bags and boxes and preferably little red wagons or collapsible shopping carts. There are no income restrictions or forms required at sign-up. The Food Bank’s state-wide Mobile Pantry program is designed to provide food where there is a great need and limited resources.
Connie Jo Discoe/McCook Gazette

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