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Using DNA to match relatives
Friday, October 20, 2017
A few house-cleaning things first before I cover some of the things I learned at our Exposition last week. The Heritage Cemetery Tour which was to take place over Heritage Days has been rescheduled for the Sunday of Buffalo Commons next year. We are excited to be able to still present this and to join with the Buffalo Commons group’s great weekend.
There has not been an active DAR group in McCook for a few years, but this Saturday at the Southwest Nebraska Genealogy Society's library, 110 West C, Suite M-3, Sherrie Dack is hosting an informational/organizational meeting from 1-4 p.m. DAR members and those wishing to join are encouraged to attend. Please message Sherrie at 308-350-0126 if you are interested in attending. Both my mother and my aunt were members so I have all of the background needed to join, but I am certain that these ladies will help you find the information you need to become a Daughter of the American Revolution.
Now, I learned a lot at the Exposition and I’m going to pass on a few hints that will help you. First of all, there is a free download, www.dnapainter.com, which essentially eliminates needing to hand-chart relationships when it comes to DNA. Once you are on their website, you just enter the shared CM’s (centimorgans) that you have for a match to someone and the painter will bring up a chart showing exactly which relationships are possible with the match. This is very easy to use but if you are still in the dark, please feel free to come to the SWNGS library for help on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons from 1-3 p.m.
The other thing I learned (which if I would read directions EVER, I would have already known) is that I can find on Ancestry how many centimorgans are matching on anyone who is on my list of DNA relatives. I always thought if they didn’t have a tree or were a private tree I couldn’t get that information but here are the steps: 1. Pull up your DNA matches on Ancestry. 2. Click on VIEW MATCH for one of them you are curious about. Once the match is pulled up, there is a little circle with a question mark in it, 3. Click on that circle and the centimorgan count will be displayed. Take that count and go back to DNA Painter and find out how many different types of relative that person could be.
Here are a couple of oldies from the McCook Tribune, November 29, 1907, nearly 110 years ago: “Bartley News: Denver painters have contracted to paint the scenery in the Opera House. Art Stevens lost three steers to cornstalk disease this week. “
From the same paper: “Indianola News: Mrs. Kurtz of Missouri Ridge precinct died and was buried at the Lutheran Church, November 21st. J. Neel and son went over to Danbury, Friday, for a load of plaster, being unable to attain it here. Quite a number of houses are underway of construction. N. J. Uerling is in St. Joe on business, a few days this week.”
Finally to round out the news 110 year ago: “The Driftwood Valley Telephone Co. has files its articles of incorporation. Capitol stock is $ 10,000. The company will operate in the Driftwood Valley country southwest of McCook, connecting that section with the city, and perhaps in time with the Beaver Valley lines.”
SWNGS library continues to be open on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons from 1-3 PM. Stop by at 110 West C Street, Suite M-3, for help with your DNA or genealogical questions.