MCC awards top academic honors

Tuesday, April 18, 2017
McCook Community College awarded its top three academic honors Monday at Student Honors Convocation held at the Peter and Dolores Graff Events Center. Joe Anderjaska (center) received the Presidential Award, Luis Diankulu (left) received the Vice President of Services Award, and Kate Arthen, (right) received the Vice President of Instruction Award.
MCC Photo

McCOOK, Neb. — Joseph Anderjaska of Hayes Center brought home McCook Community College’s top academic award Monday bringing home the Presidential award during Honors Convocation Ceremonies at the Peter and Dolores Graff Events Center.

Katrina Arthen of Eagle River, Alaska won the Vice President of Instruction Award and Lewis Diankulu of Mississauga, Ontario, Canada won Vice President of Student Services.

In addition to maintaining a 4.0 grade-point average, Anderjaska was involved in every theater production, attended every student senate meeting and helped to start the college’s “Not Your Average Theater Group.’

“Joe is not only an excellent student, but is truly a nice man,” said one of his letters of nomination. “He completes his work on time, helps fellow classmates, and is always respectful and kind to fellow students and faculty.”

In winning the VP of Instruction Award, Athern was cited for excelling in academics and sports (softball) as well as serving the college and the community. Enrolled in organic chemistry she also served as a resident assistant and an active memb er of Phi Theta Kappa.

Diankulu, who won the VP of Student Services, captained the the MCC Men’s Basketball program and was cited for being an exceptional leader from the time he arrived on campus. This year he served as a resident assistant in Brooks Hall.

“Not a mean bone in his body, he is one of the all-time greats in terms of character and all-around students,” said his nomination letter.

Here are some of the other academic honors awarded Monday:

Math and Science Division Award Winners:

Kaylea Watson, Edison

Lindsey Fishman, Las Vegas, Nevada

Dylann Bylund, Colorado Springs,

Riley Weehler, Maloy, Iowa

Business and Technology Division:

Emily Karr, McCook

Molly Hardin, McCook

Bailey Kool, McCook

Humanities and Social Science Division

MegAnn Hadeen, Holyoke, Colo.

Allison Priddy, McCook

Professional Achievement in Student Support:

Dan Sewell

Faculty Achievement in Student Success:

Jean Miller

Spirit Awards:

Jessica Alberts (Wilcox), Jessica Premer, Lynn Salyer, Courtney Johnston, Norm Eilenberger; Taylor Stettner, Aurora; Brady Heinz, Haxtun, Colo.; Brad Wessels, Arapahoe; Lexi Ramirez, Omaha.

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