
Mike Hendricks

Mike at Night

Mike Hendricks recently retires as social science, criminal justice instructor at McCook Community College.


The nature of the beast

Friday, January 27, 2017

When I was a first-year Ph.D. Student in Sociology at Oklahoma State University, I was taking a criminology class and the professor asked the class why man is still so violent and reactionary after thousands of years of socialization not to be. I replied that it was the nature of the beast and a second-year student laughed at my response. In Sociology, we're taught we are who we are because of all the experiences we have from birth right up to death's door and I subscribe to that theory. But I also remain committed to the nature of the beast theory too because it's hidden and sometimes not very deeply, in the psyche of all men.

Imagine living in the days of the caveman; before knowledge or intellect, before values or morals, where every day was a struggle just to survive. Man is born with the ability to either fight or flee; we confront the danger or we get as far away from it as we can as fast as we can. And there have always been two kinds of people; those who fight and those who flee and it was no different in the days of the caveman. In addition, divisions of labor were based on perceived abilities to do the job, not sexism or racism. That's why men became the hunters and the warriors while women took care of the homes and raised the children. It wasn't always the correct job assignment but it served most of the people well most of the time.

Many thousands of years later, we still see the fight or flight syndrome emerge in practically every human being from time to time because the nature of living in a totally unpredictable world demands it. So when we're pushed up against a wall and all our escape options are taken away, do we fight our way our or beg our assailant for forgiveness and understanding? Whichever road we take at least partly makes up the definition of who we are.

Research has proven over and over again that poor people and uneducated or undereducated people are more likely to fight than flee. For example, in every major city in the United States, a handful of addresses account for a lions' share of calls to the police every year. And these calls don't come from affluent addresses or even middle- class ones. They come from lower class addresses where someone struck out at another first without thinking about the consequences.

That's what finally happened in this year's presidential election. The nation was literally divided into two camps separated by education and income. Those with low income and little or no education became rabid Donald Trump supporters because they wanted a change from the status quo. They didn't want political correctness anymore. They didn't want more laws and more regulations. They didn't want higher taxes, regardless of where that tax money was going to go or how it was going to be spent. As the newsman on the famous film 'Network' said on camera one night, "I'm madder than hell and I'm not going to take it anymore." A significant slice of Americans felt that way too and were finally given a candidate who was the furthest thing from a politician we've ever had running for President and they voted for him. And there were enough of them to outvote the affluent and educated voters who had cast their lot with Hillary, even though many didn't like her. That was never the case with Trump supporters. They liked him to the point of almost worshipping him so gaffe after gaffe made by him during the campaign which would have immediately been the death blow to anyone else's chances at getting elected actually helped his because he was seen as sticking it to the politicians and the elite who had been in charge for far too long. Of course, this brought about a level of vitriol never seen before in a modern presidential campaign because of the vicious words and violence spewed by many of the Trump supporters and backed up by Trump himself. They were going to stand their ground and fight and he was going to be right there with them every step of the way.

They did and he did and that's why he's the President. It's the most unusual way we've elected a President in a long time but he's the one for the next four years, come hell or high water. Trump supporters think these will be the best years this country has seen in a long time and opponents aren't sure the Republic will survive.

As always, time will tell.

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  • *

    Wow.....you are becoming as sophomoric and insulting in your writing as your sub-teacher son.

    -- Posted by divorcedugly on Fri, Jan 27, 2017, at 10:04 AM
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  • Mike, you forgot about us educated cavemen who have not been brainwashed by liberal education and still believe that killing our young (abortion) is wrong and there are only two sexes.

    -- Posted by geyoung on Fri, Jan 27, 2017, at 9:20 PM
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  • So painstakingly ignorant.

    -- Posted by bob s on Fri, Jan 27, 2017, at 11:11 PM
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  • The vast majority of the uneducated voted Democrat to keep getting their welfare payments. The vast majority of those earning a pay check in middle America vote for Trump

    -- Posted by dennis on Sat, Jan 28, 2017, at 8:53 AM
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  • I think little mike wrote this for dad?

    -- Posted by allstar69 on Sat, Jan 28, 2017, at 10:17 AM
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  • ah Mike, I've known you for over twenty years and always knew you were a liberal, but you went to far left this time. I am not 'low income and little or no education', but I chose to vote differently than you. I remember when you used to respect others right to think differently than you. Sad day, I guess the next time I see you, I will remember that you feel I belong in that 'basket of deporables' along with alot of other good people.

    -- Posted by burnt toast on Sat, Jan 28, 2017, at 1:44 PM
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  • A fact that liberals will never seem to grasp, despite their self-proclaimed superiority over the "unwashed masses!"

    You will never gain our support by calling us "deplorabe" "uneducated" or any of the other countless insults you hurl our way! I and millions of others are none of the things you seem so eager to label us as being!

    But, by all means, keep it up! Liberals are just displaying your own ignorance, while they self-destruct!

    -- Posted by allstar69 on Sun, Jan 29, 2017, at 11:59 AM
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  • WARNING! Liberals should not read this, as they have no sense of humor, nor reality!


    -- Posted by allstar69 on Sun, Jan 29, 2017, at 12:06 PM
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  • I really think you have your educated and uneducated lots confused. If you educated yourself enough about Trump's message you might find he is doing today exactly as he promised, to every group he spoke to on the campaign trail. While Hillary changed her message repeatedly, and admittedly, with nearly every group she spoke to. Who is the uneducated? The voter that refuses to accept the facts he is repeatedly faced with, or those he illogically lashes out at for having a more accurate understanding of the situation?

    -- Posted by Bruce Baker on Mon, Jan 30, 2017, at 8:53 AM
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  • I'm not going to comment on Mike's article because we all know he has always felt this way. None of what he said was a surprise to me. What I don't understand is why the gazette continues to pay this narcissist to demonize the majority of the folks that read their paper? Mike hasn't writing an original article in years. Same old stuff: My weekend get away, visit to Arkansas, republicans stupid, I'm so smart, getting drunk, the love of my life, sleeping around, ect ect ect. I'm just saying we the consumers, you know your customers deserve better then this!!!!!!!!!!

    -- Posted by remington-81 on Wed, Feb 1, 2017, at 12:44 PM
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  • Or.........We can exercise our 1st amendment rights and call out his foolishness!!!

    -- Posted by allstar69 on Thu, Feb 2, 2017, at 7:51 PM
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  • Gurn, you're an idiot. I did not say anything about freedom of speech!

    -- Posted by remington-81 on Fri, Feb 3, 2017, at 8:05 AM
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  • As Obama inherited 1. worse recession we've seen in years, 2 record job losses 3. unemployment on the rise 4. Two wars' bills 5. etc etc

    Trump inherited: 1. a very strong economy with jobs on the rise 2. low unemployment rate 3 household income rising 4 a lowered federal deficit etc etc


    Let's see how you all feel in 4 years. Can't blame a bad outcome on Obama -- Trump is beginning pretty strong. We'll see how long it takes for him to mess it up!

    -- Posted by LOAL4USA on Fri, Feb 3, 2017, at 3:47 PM
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  • Rural you were right in what Obama inherited but wrong in what he left. When he exited the national debt under him had doubled, more folks were on food stamps than any time in history, health insurance costs had nearly doubled, more people than ever were out of work or had stopped working than ever, more countries were at war with others or civilly, Iran became a country with nukes and ISSIS was not a JV team. If things were so good under Obama, Hillary would have won as she promised to follow in his footsteps. I was not an Obamacare fan but wanted him to be successful for the good of the country. I hope the same for Trump.

    -- Posted by dennis on Sun, Feb 5, 2017, at 8:24 AM
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  • Gurn, like I said, if folks like Obama care so much Hillary would be President. And yes I wanted President Obama to be successful, but sadly he was not.

    -- Posted by dennis on Tue, Feb 7, 2017, at 9:17 AM
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  • Snopes has been discredited by Factcheck.org and Wikipedia.

    -- Posted by dennis on Tue, Feb 7, 2017, at 4:17 PM
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    Response by Bruce Crosby:
    No, Factcheck and Wikipedia both support Snopes.



  • G, I will accept your reference to fact check. Yep the US added 10 million jobs but the US also gained nearly 19 million people thus a net loss of jobs. I also agree with fact check that more people than ever were on food stamps. Alternative facts used by both sides. Clearly we disagree on our political views. Clearly neither will change the others view. I did want Obama to be successful. Do you want Trump to be successful. With that I will end my refuting your views and honor your right to have your own opinion. Prayers, D

    -- Posted by dennis on Tue, Feb 7, 2017, at 8:25 PM
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  • God help us all with our President's attitude of "doing no wrong" "blaming others" "calling people liars" attacks people verbally with no remorse, advancing his families' careers, etc etc. He MAY help some people but in the end all I've seen is him being a poor role model for our children, and will only divide us even more and make America a mockery. What a sad situation

    -- Posted by LOAL4USA on Thu, Feb 9, 2017, at 4:03 PM
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  • Bruce, thanks for your sources on Snopes. I did further checking and you are correct. I was wrong. Very sorry for my "fake news"

    -- Posted by dennis on Sat, Feb 11, 2017, at 9:03 AM
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