McCook and its politicians

Wednesday, November 16, 2016
(Connie Jo Discoe/McCook Gazette)

To Trevor Jones, left, the new director and CEO of the Nebraska Historical Society, John Hubert explains McCook's connection as the home of Nebraska governors Brooks, Morrison, Nelson and Heineman, and U.S. representative and senator George W. Norris. "We're proud of their service," said Hubert, who is president of the board of directors of the High Plains Historical Society and Museum in McCook and acted as tour guide for Jones and his wife, Kate, when they visited the museum Thursday. Jones assumed the NHS's top position in July, following the retirement of director and CEO Mike Smith. Jones has amassed almost 20 years of experience in historical organizations and museums in Iowa, Illinois, North Carolina and Wisconsin, and served most recently as Director of Historical Resources at the Kentucky Historical Society in Frankfort. Jones and his wife are both natives of Minnesota.

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  • McCook needs formal historical mRkers at the homes/site of each of the outstanding McCookites. Nelson's needs updated. One at the Frank Lloyd Wright house would also be nice. The markers could say private property do not enter to keep tourists from entering the property. Convention group, Chamber, City., Historical Society, Musuem, ....who will do this?

    -- Posted by dennis on Wed, Nov 16, 2016, at 3:52 PM
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