Sewer rate hike on agenda

Friday, October 14, 2016

McCOOK, Neb. -- City leaders will consider granting final approval to an upcoming sewer rate increase next week. The item will be presented to the McCook City Council on third reading during Monday's regularly scheduled meeting.

The sewer rate increase bumps the base fee for residential and commercial customers by $1 per month. The base fee includes the first 333 cubic feet of usage and will increase from $14.279 per month to $15.279 for residential customers, as well as from $21.259 to $22.259 for commercial customers. Usage above the base 333 cubic feet is billed at $3.299 for both residential and commercial customers and will remain the same.

City staff estimated the sewer increase to generate $40,000 in revenue from the approximately 3,500 billed customers. If approved, it will join recently approved property tax and trash collection increases for City of McCook residents.

McCook sewer usage is bill based on a customer's water usage during the month's of December, January and February. City Council previously contemplated sewer rate options which essentially amounted to deciding between favoring small residential customers or big business. They ultimately approved the increase which lessened the burden on the largest of city water users.

Also during Monday's regularly scheduled meeting, 6:30 p.m., at the Municipal Center:

* A resolution approving a recommendation from the Airport Advisory Commission to set rental fees at the new six-plex hangar constructed at McCook Ben Nelson Regional Airport at $125 per unit will be considered for approval as part of the consent agenda. The commission approved the recommendation on a split 4-1 vote earlier this week.

The $125 monthly unit fee would represent the highest fees for hangar space at the airport, which range from $36 up to $93 monthly dependent on hangar specifics. City staff is also indicating they would like to discuss increasing hangar rent on the older units and, similar to a recent property tax increase, have cited fees from other communities as justification for the hike.

A change order increasing the construction cost of the new 6-plex by $2805 will also be considered for approval. City staff reports the FAA has indicated they would approve the change and the city will only be responsible for 10 percent, or $280 of the increase. The change order adds 12 concrete pads to the individual walk doors on the new hangar, according to the meeting agenda.

* An ordinance amending parameters relating to the issuance of up to $10 million in Combined Utilities Revenue Refunding Bonds will be considered for approval. City Council approved pursuit of the debt consolidation bonds in September with city staff estimating it could save the city $400,000 over a 20-year period by taking advantage of a historic interest rate environment.

City staff is requesting the three-reading rule be suspended for the amendments and indicated there were some important modifications.

* A resolution providing for the adoption of an amended City of McCook Regular Employee Retirement Plan, 401k Profit Sharing Plan and Trust effective Jan. 1, 2016, is requested for approval as part of the consent agenda. Consent agenda items are typically approved without discussion.

* A McCook man is seeking $170 in damages from the city as reimbursement for damage reportedly caused to a door of his home in June by the McCook Police Department and emergency medical staff. The man, Joe Derauf of 306 Seminole, indicates the door was damaged while he was sleeping and emergency responders were dispatched to his home for a wellness check.

City Council will receive and file the claim with the city's insurance carrier.

* An ordinance changing the language of city ordinance pertaining to how sewer usage is calculated for commercial and carwash facilities will be considered for final approval. City staff indicated previously the changes lined up city ordinance with long-time practice and policy.

* Bid specification for the purchase of a new police vehicle will be presented for approval. City staff indicates the purchase will have no fiscal impact as it was previously approved by City Council as part of the 2016-17 budget, according to the meeting agenda.

* A proclamation designating the month of October 2016 as "Domestic Violence Awareness Month" will be considered for approval.

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