Brotherly love

Monday, October 10, 2016
Connie Jo Discoe/McCook Gazette

McCook brothers Larry (No. 66) and Wilbur (No. 86) Steinbeck stalk each other after eliminating three other cars in the final race of Sam Jaeger's annual clean-up demolition derby Saturday night on the fairgrounds in McCook. Larry's was the only full-weld car; the others were limited welds or no welds. In a show of "brotherly love," sportsmanship and an "I dare ya to try that again!" challenge, Wil pulled Larry off the berm when Larry got high-centered. After putting on a bone-crunching, hit-and-get-hit show for the late-nighters in the grandstand, Larry put the final hit on Wil, and it was all over but the shouting. Wil said with a grin, "I could've had him if I hadn't pulled him off" the berm.

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