Dodson anniversary
Friday, October 7, 2016

Duane and Beverly Dodson
The family of Duane and Beverly Dodson of Maywood, Neb., is requesting a card shower in honor of the couple's 60th wedding anniversary on Friday, Oct. 14. They were married in 1956 in Valentine, Neb. Duane is a long-time board member of McCook Public Power District. Their family includes children, Bruce and Sherri Dodson of North Platte, Neb., Dallas and Kandi Dodson of Valentine, Jan and Todd Deatrich of Maywood and David and Chris Dodson of Ainsworth, Neb.; 12 grandchildren and seven great-grandhildren, with one due in January. Cards of congratulations will reach them at 12491 E. Wells Road, Maywood NE 69038.