
Mike Hendricks

Mike at Night

Mike Hendricks recently retires as social science, criminal justice instructor at McCook Community College.


Good flight out, not so good back

Friday, August 19, 2016

After writing a pretty glowing column about Boutique Airlines six weeks ago, I got to try them out over the weekend and the results were mixed. The flight from McCook to Denver was pretty perfect. The co-pilot took time to explain everything to us and snacks and drinks were also available if we decided to partake. The plane left on time, the flight was smooth and we landed on time too. Even though the cabin is small, the seats were plush and comfortable and the noise level was no worse than a jet airliner. So the things I had heard about the airline all proved to be true on the way out.

On the way back, it was a different story. My Delta flight from Atlanta landed in Denver at 5:30 so I had a three-hour layover before the scheduled 8:30 departure from Denver to McCook. I ate, walked around a little and eventually made my way downstairs to the Boutique terminal where I ran into a former colleague of mine that still teaches at the college. He had landed at 10am that morning on a flight from the west coast so he had been there a lot longer than I had. We talked between ourselves until 8 p.m. when I wondered out loud where the Boutique desk person was and he said she had told him she would be back around 8:15. The message on the board listed our departure time for 8:30 and stated that the flight was on time. But 8:15 came and went with no personnel present. Some other people who were flying back had located the airlines website and mentioned that the flight had been delayed for an hour, again without any explanation from the employee who was supposed to be there but wasn't. Around 8:30, the people monitoring their website said that the flight had been cancelled but there still wasn't an employee present. About ten minutes later, an employee showed up and verified that the flight had been canceled due to maintenance issues with the plane.

My friend and former colleague was visibly upset because he had now been at the airport for 10½ hours and he asked the employee what our options were. She suggested either renting a car and driving to McCook or spending the night and coming back for the next scheduled flight at 6:30 the next morning. He asked her if she could guarantee that flight would, in fact, depart at the scheduled time the next morning and she said she couldn't. He and I then discussed our options before we asked about vouchers for hotel rooms and were told that she couldn't write vouchers because that was 'way above her pay grade.' She said we would have to pay for the hotel ourselves along any other money we had to spend while stranded and then submit our receipts to Boutique Airlines for reimbursement. There were a lot of things wrong with Great Lakes Airlines but at least they issued vouchers. Other passengers were having no luck in finding a rental car to McCook so we decided to spend the night in the airport because we didn't want to leave, pay cab fare, pay for the hotel, then get up the next morning, pay for a cab back to the airport and then go through security again. Because Boutique doesn't issue vouchers, we didn't get a hotel room, didn't pay for a cab, didn't eat and received no monetary compensation because airlines don't put a price on your wasted time.

I don't recommend spending the night at ANY airport but especially DIA because there are no chairs anywhere you can get comfortable in because they all have armrests that prevent you from stretching out. I tried the floor but the floor was too hard. I tried sleeping sitting up but never could get comfortable. So we were essentially awake all night long and the only thing open at the airport past 10 o'clock was a McDonald's restaurant. I went down to get a pop and there were at least 100 people in line waiting to get served.

So we spent from 8:45 on Sunday night until 6:30 Monday morning sleepless in Denver at DIA. It was the longest night of my life!

Thankfully, the plane left on time Monday morning and the flight back to McCook was uneventful. I'm trying to be fair to Boutique Airlines but the last thing any passenger wants to do is to fly into Denver and not be able to get home on the last leg of your trip. That's what drove down the boardings here on Great Lakes because they had so many cancellations in their last year of service that you couldn't count on them to get you out of McCook or back to McCook. So I hoped this cancellation was an anomaly. In talking to a Boutique employee, I found out that cancellations are rare but not anomalies. The employee told me they had cancellations in McCook on August 2nd and 3rd and, in addition to the cancellation of our flight on August 14th, the 6am flight from McCook to Denver on August 15th was cancelled too.

The employee also told me that some new cities had been added to Boutique's schedule and that more planes would be showing up although she didn't know when or how many. For Boutique's sake, I hope cancellations don't become a negative expectation because that will drive away business faster than anything else. The planes are good, the flight crews are cordial and friendly and the flights are smooth and those are all good things.

But cancellations are not good things so hopefully they will be kept to a bare minimum because without air service to McCook from Denver via Boutique, you can't hardly get here from there.

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  • It's best to just drive to the airport.

    -- Posted by bob s on Fri, Aug 19, 2016, at 5:58 PM
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  • Aloha Mike, Gene and Readers,

    It's quite a coincidence that Gene's article "Its About Time" and your piece on your experience with Boutique Air have been published the same day.

    I completely agree with Gene that everything in McCook is within 10 minutes at most from your door step. Even Hugh Butler Lake is within 30 minutes of your doorstep. My mom says she can make it within 20 minutes if the Nebraska State Patrol does not interfere.

    With that said getting to and from McCook is the challenge one faces. My normal travel for example has me leaving Honolulu on a "Red Eye" sometime between 8:00 - 11:30 p. m. Honolulu time ( 1:00 - 3:30 a.m. McCook time + 1 day).

    We arrive in Denver on a non-stop around 6:45 a.m. Denver time. The flight Boutique Air has leaves at 6:30 a. m. to McCook. The next flight that Boutique Air has to McCook is as Mike mentioned is 8:30 p. m. I'm not going to sit around DIA for 12+ hours to chance that flight.

    What I do is rent a vehicle in Denver and spend 5+ hours driving to and then from McCook for the return to Hawaii. Rental cars are not cheap. I would rather spend that 10 hours in McCook with family, doing business or to start with catching up on jet lag. Then renting a vehicle from a local dealer ship and save hotel expense on our way back to Hawaii.

    My suggestion is that Boutique Air provide flights 4 days per week between Denver and McCook. These days would be Sunday, Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Here is my suggested flight schedule :

    McCook to Denver - 8:00 a.m arrive Denver 8:30.

    (Just in time to have a breakfast business meeting or catch connecting flights to everywhere in the world)

    Denver to McCook - 9:30 a.m. arrive McCook Noonish.

    McCook to Denver - 1:00 p.m. arrive Denver 1:30 p.m.

    Denver to McCook - 6:00 p. m. arrive McCook 8:30 p. m.

    This would allow convenience travel for both locals and visitors.

    I was hoping to book flights on Boutique Air for 5 folks for out October visit but the schedule is not compatible and I can not schedule return flights in November at this time. Will they not be around in November ?

    No matter what the community does to attract visitors, getting to McCook continues to be an issue that needs to be addressed.

    I would guess most folks fly into Denver that will arrive between 7:00 a.m. and 10:00 a. m. They will not want to hang out at DIA until 8:30 p. m. to chance a flight that may or may not fly to McCook.

    Boutique Air management and ownership needs to understand that what you want to provide may not be what works for your target market.

    -- Posted by dameister on Sat, Aug 20, 2016, at 12:55 AM
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  • I am waiting for the time when checked luggage will be transferred directly from Boutique to my connecting flight. As it stands now unless you have a 2 1/2 hour lay over it is nearly impossible to deplane, go through the airport, pick your luggage up, go back to check in to send your luggage to the connecting flight, go back through security and then make it to the terminal and gate of your connecting flight. Hectic to say the least.

    -- Posted by dennis on Sun, Aug 21, 2016, at 10:31 AM
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  • Thanks for the input Dennis - that definitely crosses Boutique Airlines off of my airline carrier list. Sorry to hear of that significant "glitch" in their system .

    -- Posted by dameister on Sun, Aug 21, 2016, at 1:31 PM
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