
Mike Hendricks

Mike at Night

Mike Hendricks recently retires as social science, criminal justice instructor at McCook Community College.


Facism and Donald Trump

Friday, May 13, 2016

"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it."

We have all heard a variation of that phrase since it was written by George Santayana in Life of Reason in 1905. There are several meanings and interpretations attached to it but the most enduring and popular one is that we need to learn from our mistakes. In fact, one interpretation says that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different outcome.

With Donald Trump being the presumptive nominee for the Republican Party, I thought it was important to revisit this concept because we've never had a Presidential candidate like him in my life. He has an outsized personality, he says what he believes regardless of who's offended by it, he denigrates entire groups of people, he encourages violent behavior by his supporters and he has never ran for or been elected to public office. Yet a majority of Republicans, through the ballot box, indicated a preference for him over all the others.

History tells us that the German people, immediately prior to World War II which Hitler started almost singlehandedly, were in a similar kind of mood. The Germans had always been a proud people but starting and then losing World War I had left them angry, upset, and embarrassed about their loss of stature in the world. They wanted someone to make them strong again and, as it turned out, Hitler filled that void. But they weren't an evil people. They weren't looking for a fight or hoping for a war; in fact the vast majority of the German people did not want another war. Hitler knew this and consequently never advocated war publicly, although the steps he took were certainly in that direction. His nationalist issues resonated with a segment of the population and he proposed a solution to almost every problem facing them.

He had a penchant for public speaking and was an expert at using propaganda to further his own goals and objectives. Because he had a compelling personality, the German people's respect for authority and his personal charisma caused them to abandon their moral responsibility. We've always known that a group of people will do and say things that individuals within the group would never do and there were many groups like that in pre-World-War-II Germany. Hitler's message of national renewal was first embraced by the lesser educated and the more conservative and spread to a consensus as Hitler gained power and control.

We know this is possible anywhere and by anybody. As long as there is a leader who tells us what to do authoritatively, we do it because his narrative has absolved us of any personal responsibility. When Trump says to his rabid, emotionally charged audience to send protestors out on a stretcher, that gives his followers the moral authority to do just that. Trump wants to make America great again, as did Hitler with Germany. Hitler isolated and alienated certain groups of people (the Jews) as Trump is doing today (the Muslims and illegal immigrants), and regardless of the problems that exist in America, Trump is going to fix them, just like Hitler promised to do.

The latest bombshell from the Trump side came just the other day when Trump's former butler, Anthony Senecal, posted on Facebook that President Obama should have been shot and killed as an enemy agent. Trump has distanced himself from that comment but the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

So we have a billionaire running for President who's never been elected to anything and he got majority support from Republicans because he told them at every rally what they wanted to hear.

I understand the frustration of white, working-class Americans. They feel like they've been shunned and overlooked by a power elite who's doing everything they can to protect the minorities of this country and nothing to aid the people who made America great to begin with. This is what Trump's telling them and they're buying it hook, line and sinker; in part, because like any great dramatic story, there's some truth to it.

But there's a lot of things to Trump that don't make sense and several things that are downright scary when you compare him historically with other charismatic individuals who believed they had the golden key to change the world.

They didn't and Trump most likely doesn't either!

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  • Surely you're not intimating that the presumptive democratic nominee has that "golden key".

    -- Posted by Manuel on Fri, May 13, 2016, at 3:51 PM
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  • "In fact, one interpretation says that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different outcome."

    Wouldn't voting for and electing Hillary be exactly that?

    With the 2 party system we get people who are chosen "for" us and we get a choice of say Hitler or Stalin, when we want neither.

    With Trump, who knows what we will get. With Hillary, we already know.


    -- Posted by JohnGalt1968 on Fri, May 13, 2016, at 6:05 PM
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  • Your comparison of Trump to Hitler does not sit well with this (former) democrat. I also disagree with the statement suggesting that he encourages violent behavior. I think the truth of the matter is that after eight years of Obama, many were looking for big change. I for one voted for Obama based on his "change" message. I feel I got burned by his changes. Therefore, many see the politician making the same old promises with the same results. No one wants to get burned again.

    Trump is fresh. I do agree that he's not a politician and speaks his mind, regardless of who he offends. That's what many want as the result of our current leadership.

    You mention his isolation of Muslims and illegal aliens. Look at our world today. Look at what most other countries are doing. His temporary ban of Muslims wins my support until we can do better at securing our borders. His stance on ILLEGAL aliens also wins my support as they come into our country unlawfully. Many do commit crimes and violence. Facts are facts. I'm not a racist or a bigot, but I'm not one that believes in breaking the law or putting down Christianity.

    If you look at Hillary, you might be able to compare her or her husband to many past dictators, murderers, sexists, etc. again, facts are facts. How she's getting away with what happened in Benghazi is beyond me. New information is coming in almost daily that further proves her failures in that situation, yet she will be the democratic nominee for the President of the United States!

    I think the smartest of the people are smart enough to know not to run for President, which is unfortunate. However, we need a change in our current status. Our current leader has let this country down in many ways, again, coming from a former democrat who bought into his change. We need to make America great again and I'm hoping Donald Trump can do that. That's why he has my vote.

    -- Posted by 82er on Sat, May 14, 2016, at 10:29 AM
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  • Trump belittles people who are not worthy of him. He chastises women, he gets upset when someone says something against him, he gets around paying his fair share of taxes because of his many companies and loop holes, he doesn't know how to run a company when he's filed bankruptcy 4 times on companies, he has no experience being a diplomat and he's only thinking of one person. HIMSELF. WIN WIN WIN. I'm not for Hiliary either but really? Trump? What a joke our country is going to be if he gets elected.

    -- Posted by LOAL4USA on Mon, May 16, 2016, at 9:11 AM
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  • *

    You are blind rural. "doesn't know how to run a company" is one of the more moronic statements I have heard against Trump. He is a billionaire!! With a B you twit!!! Billionaire with a B!!!!! It is like calling Michael Jordan a failure because he missed some shots he took. I wish people were not so stupid but the mini's and the rural's of the world have to exist I guess.

    -- Posted by divorcedugly on Mon, May 16, 2016, at 10:59 AM
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  • The things we know vs the things we do not know. Obama paid only 18 percent in federal income tax. Because Trump is being audited he has not yet released his taxes. Hillary has not released her $250,000 speeches to Wall Street or all her emails. We know the scandals of the Clintons...even stealing items from the White House when they left. Much of Trump has yet to be vetted. We know what type of Supreme Court people Hill would appoint, we do not know about Trump. We are a long way from November. At this time I would vote for the devil I do not know ...Trump. And hope he is better than the devil we know...Hillary.

    -- Posted by dennis on Mon, May 16, 2016, at 11:37 AM
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  • This is a tough election coming up. No clear, good choice. But, Trump doesn't seem like Hitler. I think that's a bad comparison. It's also unlikely that the socialist side is in any way free of racism. Just because you are for the government giving away other people's money to people of color , doesn't mean you're not racist.

    -- Posted by bob s on Mon, May 16, 2016, at 1:08 PM
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  • marriedugly: i don't think the name calling was quite necessary. I won't stoop to that level...then again Trump likes his name calling too. My belief is that yes, he is a Billionaire. But how did he get there? He got there by underhandedly getting out of paying his fair share of taxes and bills (HE SAID THAT LAST WEEK), taking advantage of bankruptcy laws (HE ADMITTED TO 2 WEEKS AGO) and is a terrible example of a man who treats others so beneath him.

    Am I voting for Hillary, no. Trump, no. Neither one of them are worthy to become "leader" of our country.

    -- Posted by LOAL4USA on Mon, May 16, 2016, at 1:25 PM
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  • Trump is also the guy who stated last week that it didn't matter how much America owed. We can just print more money. Really? Is that how we run a household? It's called "balanced budget" and living within our means. But NOBODY seems to know how to do that in politics.

    -- Posted by LOAL4USA on Mon, May 16, 2016, at 1:49 PM
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  • Rural Citizen, ironically, I agree with you. Somewhat. When Trump first started campaigning, I said the very same thing, Trump? Really? He is arrogant and he speaks his mind, being offensive at times. But then I listen to all the politicians making all the same promises that we continue to hear. I think Mr. Trump's success is the result of Americans being upset and disappointed with our current state of affairs with all politicians.

    Now look on the other side of the ticket. You have Bernie Sanders who wants to give out all kinds of free goodies at the cost of raising our taxes and you have Hillary who I feel should be sitting in a jail cell right now rather than running nag for ANY office. She has a husband that's a huge womanizer and, as mention d above and n other posts, they have both been proven to be dishonest.

    The beauty of all this is you have your choice and I have mine. We may not agree on who to vote for but I think we can agree that our freedom to vote our choice is a freedom that we can't give up, unless Obama takes that away before he leaves office.

    -- Posted by 82er on Mon, May 16, 2016, at 5:25 PM
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  • It's always been my experience that when the smartest people in the room looses the argument, the words "Hitler", "Nazi", and *fascist" come out.

    -- Posted by Hugh Jassle on Mon, May 16, 2016, at 7:21 PM
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  • Does anyone in the room understand what Chunky said?

    -- Posted by bob s on Tue, May 17, 2016, at 12:13 PM
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  • Reductio ad Hitlerum is sometimes called "playing the Nazi card" It's like playing the black card or the victim card

    -- Posted by Keda46 on Tue, May 17, 2016, at 2:58 PM
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  • ok

    -- Posted by bob s on Tue, May 17, 2016, at 5:07 PM
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  • Mike this article is so offensive to me that I am having trouble putting it to words.

    It appears that you believe that the liberal free thinking progressives have all the correct answers.

    It is also offensive that you seem to think that only the government can help out the "common" man. Horse crap!

    I could give you a laundry list of the ways liberal free thinking progressives have screwed up the USA. But I will concentrate on the inaccuracies in your article.

    1. "So we have a billionaire running for President who's never been elected to anything and he got majority support from Republicans because he told them at every rally what they wanted to hear."

    A blatant attempt to convince us that he is from the evil elite, and is just saying what will get him elected....No! he is saying what we have been thinking for a long time!

    2. "Hitler's message of national renewal was first embraced by the lesser educated and the more conservative and spread to a consensus as Hitler gained power and control."

    Another obvious attempt to say liberals are smarter and you need to listen to them because they will take care of you. Saying that conservatives are less smart than liberals is very foolish in this end of the state...I went to college with a LOT of gentlemen who would like to discuss that with you....

    3."he denigrates entire groups of people"

    Really? who? Like ILLEGAL immigrants? Refugees, who we have not been able to 'vet' properly? Or is that being racist? because we want to be safe and have jobs in our own country?

    4. "he encourages violent behavior by his supporters"

    Really???? When was a time, any time, when anti trump protester met with violence from trump supporters? But the elect Bernie people started throwing chairs in a state convention just the other day. Name one time trump supporters started a violent confrontation. Please just one...

    5."I understand the frustration of white, working-class Americans."

    You have no idea. We are taxed to the point of barely being able to provide for our families, we have our jobs taken by lower paid illegal immigrants, we have a minimum of three jobs in an average household (5 in mine) and still do not have the purchasing power of our parents! Most of us do not have any retirement except for Social Security and the value of our home. Say nothing of the fact that the white male is the only sex and race you can discriminate against legally. No Mike you have no idea.

    -- Posted by quick13 on Mon, May 23, 2016, at 9:30 PM
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