House burns in Trenton

Friday, April 29, 2016
A home at 201 E. Second in Trenton, Neb., was fully engulfed in flames by the fire was reported at 2:45 a.m. Friday. The house was a funeral home many years ago. (Hitchcock County News)

TRENTON, Neb. -- The reported home of a man involved in a murder-suicide early Wednesday morning burned down early this morning.

A Nebraska state fire investigator from Gibbon was on the scene, 201 E. Second, Trenton, Neb., to determine the cause.

Hitchcock County authorities have not released names, but NTV television of Kearney quoted family members as saying Bob Lawing shot and killed Jim Baxter in his home, elsewhere in Trenton, before turning the gun on himself outside.

Trenton Fire Chief Tom Hovey said the fire was reported at 2:45 a.m., and the house was fully involved with flames shooting through the roof when nine firefighters arrived on the scene.

Hovey said there was no one in the house at the time of the fire, and that there was no power or water to the house.

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  • Attempt to destroy evidence?

    Or neighborhood re-development?

    -- Posted by allstar69 on Fri, Apr 29, 2016, at 4:05 PM
    ! Report comment to editor
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