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Red Willow County court records in the 1800s
Friday, April 22, 2016
Well, it's good to be home again and on solid ground, not climbing over 3000' in a RZR up the Moab rocks. Personal opinion: The area around Moab, Utah, is breathtakingly beautiful, with huge canyons (hence the name "Canyonlands"), stunning rock formations and winding expanses of the Colorado River. Riding an UTV up the rocks is one of the "glad I did it; don't need to do it again" experiences of my life.
One of the recent additions to Southwest Nebraska Genealogical Society web page are indexes to the Red Willow County court records books contained in our library for reference. These indexes are searchable on our web site: www.swngs.org. Here are but a few of these jewels of information which start with Book No. 1, 1882.
Village of Indianola vs Dr. A. R. Hammond, druggist, December 16, 1884. The case in law was initiated by filing of a complaint by Mary Hoyle against Dr. Hammond charging that he had violated village ordinances by selling alcohol without a permit.
A.H. Andrews and Co. vs School District of McCook City, April 18, 1893. Foreclosure of merchandise for school.
Sarah J. Thomas vs Bank of Bartley, May 22, 1893. Sarah sued for money belonging to her from her husband's bank account.
John A Gunn vs Red Willow County, April 6, 1897. John claims he was told to give medical visits to a patient and the county would pay for it. County commissioners disallowed the claim.
W. V. Gage vs Red Willow County, April 6, 1897. Gage is a doctor claiming that the county wanted him to give professional care to Joseph Saunders and Henry Jeffries who was shot; Saunders for an operation on his foot. Commissioners rejected the claim.
Petition for divorce filed by Pearl Lowely vs Earl Lowely, April 22, 1914. Married April 6, 1908, in Holdrege, Neb. Issue of marriage, one child, Mildred Darlene Lowley, age 5. Charges against Mr. Lowely include cruelty and bad language in front of child.
In the matter of the application of Charles Hopt, Guardian of Albina Hopt, insane, for leave to sell her interest in certain Real Estate, April 8, 1914. Charles wants to sell real estate because they are both getting of an older age.
State of Nebraska vs John Offner, Jan. 16, 1918. Complaint by C. B. Gray, broke-in warehouse of M. Kramer with intent to steal. Charles Offner, age 13 and John Offner, 11, sons of Henry Offner, wander the streets all hours of the night and committed crimes and are delinquent children. They should be in the care of Reverend G. L. Sharp for one year.
Francis E. Dike Vvs the City of McCook, Red Willow County, Feb. 8, 1926. Dike owned a tract of land which he said was subject to overflow and only good for farming. Dike wanted the land disconnected from the city limits.
Of the 55 possible district court record books, 35 have been indexed. Should you wish to see the complete hand written record of the trial, you can visit our library at 110 West C, Suite M-3. The library is staffed and open to the public each Tuesday and Thursday weekly from 1 -- 4 p.m. or on the first and third Saturdays of each month 1:30 -- 3 p.m.. You may also contact us at our email: SWNGS@hotmail.com.