
Jennifer Morgan

Motherhood Moments

-- Jennifer Morgan is the mother of three girls and lives in McCook.

The words shrunk

Thursday, April 7, 2016

I don't know when it started or what all is going on, but something big is going down! Have you noticed it?? Just like all of the sudden too! Everything was fine one day and totally different the next. I'm so confused as to what I'm supposed to do because it's not getting any better. It's everywhere I look and affects most of everything I do. I shake my head in disbelief and wonder what this world is coming to and why would Big Government do this to us??

What would possess them to go and reduce the size of all the words everywhere?? I thought all the text I read was a perfect size and now everywhere it's shrunk! I can't read any of it without straining my eye muscles. For instance, last night on the muffin mix box. They FDA made the company shrink all their directions. I couldn't tell if that was 1/3 or 1/8. Why would they do that? So I can go cross-eyed trying to decipher it? And then end up dumping too much oil in the mix? That's just not right.

Then, I'm trying to read through the newspaper classifieds this morning during breakfast, and I gotta pull the whole darn paper up to my face so I can tell if that person is selling something or hiring someone. I could read all those just fine six months, without lifting the paper off the table. All of the sudden, the government must made the media reduce their type size for some odd reason. Maybe all that ink is bad for the environment or something?? I don't know, but I'd like them to return to their regular type size so I can read it like I used to.

Then, at work later, I had to zoom in on my screen so I could make out what my co-workers were trying to tell me. Microsoft must got the hammer put down on them to make some changes to their settings because it's all changed and for the worse. This is getting ridiculous!

It's also a good thing my cell phone contract is about up, cause it looks like I'm gonna have to upgrade to a larger screen since Apple went and shrunk their text too. For crying out loud, I feel like I need to walk around with a magnifying glass hanging around my neck so I can actually read everything. And I'm sure I look like a real dork, squinting and making all these odd faces when I'm trying to make some sense out of all the tiny sentences that I come across. No wonder I have more wrinkles on my forehead. Did the Government not take that into account? All that extra physical and mental stress they're putting on people my age when they put all these restrictions on type size? I bet not!

Geesh! I just think there are a lot more important issues in the world to deal with than making major reductions in print. I say leave the big print and bold letters! Quit shrinking everything! The forests are shrinking, the computers are shrinking and even the grocery packaging is shrinking, so it's time to put a stop to it all! Because, gosh darn it, I can't read anything! And it's giving me a headache!

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