Numbers show Nebraskans get money's worth

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

If you're one of the lucky ones receiving a tax refund this year, you've probably already spent it.

If you have to pay, you're probably putting it off as long as possible and you're wondering whether you're getting your money's worth.

Don't feel alone. Two out of five Americans feel like they pay too much in taxes, and think that slightly more than half of every tax dollar is wasted by the federal government, according to

Things are generally better in Nebraska, despite wrangling over property taxes and other issues currently in the news about the Legislature.

We tend to think our taxes are pretty high in the Cornhusker state, and WalletHub agrees; we rank 28 on a scale with one having the lowest taxes and 50 the highest.

Despite some criticism, we're better than average in education -- 18th and 17th in safety, according to the measurements used.

But Nebraska taxpayers rank ninth in infrastructure and pollution, third in health, second in economy and 10th overall return-on-investment.

Source: WalletHub

Source: WalletHub

Read the entire report here:

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