Annexation on City Council agenda
McCOOK, Neb. -- City leaders will receive an introduction to the annexation process next week after postponing the discussion previously. They hope it serves as a starting point in achieving a long-standing goal, growing McCook.
Professional planners Craig Bennett and Brenda Jensen of Miller and Associates will present information relating to the annexation process, including a review of state law, during Monday's meeting of the McCook City Council.
City staff has repeatedly stated there are no specific areas the city is looking at for annexation, at this time, and indicated the intent is to keep dialogue open between all parties to ensure no one is left out. According to Monday's agenda, "Staff realizes the need for extensive communication during discussions with out neighbors who may be impacted by annexation."
Also during Monday's regularly scheduled meeting, City street repair projects slated for the coming year will be presented to City Council for approval.
The projects include overlaying Airport Road from C Street to H Street with three inches of asphalt, as well as regrading shoulders and repaving from B Street to C Street with eight inches of concrete. A culvert will also be extended from C Street to B Street and the entrance to the city's material stockyard will be replaced with new concrete.
West D Street will receive new pavement from West 5th to West 7th Street and the concrete apron at the East 5th Street intersection will be extended in an effort to prevent asphalt from being pushed by vehicles stopping on the hill. Handicap ramps at East 5th Street and East 7th Street will also be replaced as part of the project.
East 11th Street is scheduled for overlaying with three inches of asphalt from J Street to city limits to the north, as well as having shoulders regraded. East J Street will also receive drainage improvements and prep work for repaving in the future.
Other items on Monday's consent and regular agenda:
* An application for federal assistance with the Federal Aviation Administration pertaining to construction of a new 6-plex hangar at McCook Ben Nelson Regional Airport will be presented for authorization. The application represents the city's final notice to the FAA that it plans to proceed with the project.
Federal funds will cover 90 percent of the cost of the project. Construction is estimated to cost $621,112 with the city responsible for $62,112.
Immediately following approval of the application councilors will consider awarding the construction bid for the project to Hackel Construction of Ord, Nebraska, in the amount of $586,682.
* Rich Cappel has requested to block of parking in front of the NAPA Auto Parts at 215 West C Street to help facilitate relocating the business to its new home on West B Street. The move is scheduled to occur on April 18, 19 and 20.
* A resolution granting a Waiver of Payment in Lieu of Taxes to the McCook Housing Agency will be considered for approval.
* Utility Director Jesse Dutcher will give a report on current happenings at the city water and sewer departments.
* Bid specs for the city's annual armor coating maintenance on city streets will be considered for approval.
* Proclamations designating April 19 as Arbor Day; the week of April 10-16 as Public Transit Week; and the week of April 10-16 as National Public Safety Telecommunicators Week will be considered for approval.
* A resolution certifying the City of McCook as being capable of providing public transportation for citizens will be considered for approval. The resolution is an annual requirement by the Nebraska Department of Transportation.
* A request from the McCook High School Health Careers Class to host a Humane Society 5k run/walk on city streets on April 16 will be considered.