A new home

Thursday, March 10, 2016
Connie Jo Discoe/McCook Gazette

Weathercraft Companies co-owner Joe Staroska of North Platte and McCook Area Chamber of Commerce director Tacie Fawver hold the ceremonial ribbon for Brett Schmidt, general manager of the Weathercraft office in McCook, Thursday morning. The Chamber, McCook Cordials and family and friends welcomed Weathercraft to its new Airport Road location, a property, Brett said, that hadn't been on the tax rolls for many years until Weathercraft purchased it. "This is a great place ... a great location. We're thrilled to death to be here," he said, adding with a grin, "We're not thrilled about paying taxes, but they're good for the community." McCook Mayor Mike Gonzales, representing the City of McCook at the ribbon cutting, told his brother-in-law with a chuckle, "We're happy you're here too." Brett introduced the McCook staff, explaining, "There is no hierarchy here. We work as teammates. There is not a one of us who doesn't do everything." Weathercraft has been in McCook for 35 years, concentrating initially on commercial roofing and expanding through the years to residential roofing, siding, windows, general construction and Overhead Doors. Brett said, "We look forward to another 35+ years of service."

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  • Great ribbon cutting. Weathercraft hires nearly 35 people here. Brett is committed to McCook, Weathercraft and his employees.

    -- Posted by dennis on Thu, Mar 10, 2016, at 2:50 PM
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  • that was a better than average open house in my opinion. i didn't know that the company had so many employees. i even got a tour of the warehouse which I can remember way back as being very different. seems like there are some dedicated people working there from what the manager said at the ribbon cutting.

    -- Posted by BTWinecleff on Sun, Mar 13, 2016, at 7:16 PM
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  • We had them do the shingles on our home last year, they did a great job. I too am impressed with the employees that they have, you never really see them out and about but from talking to so many of the other attendees at the event, they are constantly doing work, Spring, Summer, Winter and Fall. There was one individual that said he wouldn't trust anyone else with his business construction. It seems like the manager is very intent on contributing to the communities in Southwest Nebraska too, I don't know him personally, but he spoke to me and said the property taxes they pay will help the schools and roads, it nice to see a positive outlook on things like that. Good job Weathercraft.... and welcome to McCook.

    -- Posted by Nick Mercy on Sun, Mar 13, 2016, at 7:25 PM
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  • Great bunch of people. Russ has gotten us out of jambs more than once. Congratulations.

    -- Posted by Sandra M on Mon, Mar 14, 2016, at 10:34 PM
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  • Long term businesses such as this is what makes a positive impact on not just the community but the region. To see a business still thriving after 35 years not only shows integrity but an obvious commitment to their customers.

    Nice to see this in McCook.

    -- Posted by PensiveObserver on Tue, Mar 15, 2016, at 5:46 PM
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