City landscaping efforts recognized by Nebraska Statewide Arboretum

Thursday, March 10, 2016
Public Works Director Kyle Potthoff, middle, displays a landscaping award presented to the City of McCook by the Nebraska Statewide Arboretum last week. Arborist Bruce Hoffman of McCook, far left, nominated the city for the award and joined Justin Evertson, right, with the statewide group. (Courtesy photo)

McCOOK, Neb. -- Beautification efforts in McCook were recognized at the Nebraska Statewide Arboretum Awards Reception earlier this month in Lincoln.

The city received the Community Landscape Award for "landscape projects that significantly improved their community." The recognition stemmed from improvements made at the intersection of Norris Avenue and U.S. Highway 34.

Many communities are finding travelers like to get off the interstate for more varied and scenic roads, according to a press release touting the McCook project.

State arborists were particularly pleased with the "prairie plantings" involved in the project, adding they draw the eye of travelers towards the historic Norris Avenue and make it greener and more interesting, while serving as an invitation to do further exploring in the town.

Nebraska Statewide Arboretum representative Justin Evertson said efforts by small communities like McCook to put in prairie and other 'Nebraska-style' landscapes are a great way to draw people into town and support existing businesses.

For more information about the award winners, reception or the statewide network of public landscapers modeling and promoting "sustainable landscapes for healthy homes and communities," call (402) 472-2971 or visit

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  • Very attractive entry to Norris Ave.

    -- Posted by dennis on Thu, Mar 10, 2016, at 2:53 PM
    ! Report comment to editor
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