
Mike Hendricks

Mike at Night

Mike Hendricks recently retires as social science, criminal justice instructor at McCook Community College.


What's wrong with people?

Friday, October 2, 2015

While we were having an active shooting drill at McCook Community College yesterday, a real active shooter was wreaking havoc at Umpqua Community College, just a couple of miles away from the peaceful, scenic town of Roseburg, Oregon. I read about this on the Internet while I was at work and when I left to go to afternoon happy hour, a woman who I know and respect walked in, saw the news on the television and said "What's wrong with people?" And I think we're all required to think that question through.

The death and injury toll are still uncertain at the time of this writing but it appears that at least nine people died and at least seven people were wounded. These were traditional and non-traditional students going to college trying to better themselves and train for an uncertain life ahead. The gunman was a 26-year-old white male. I don't think about the number of people killed and injured in a tragedy like this, I think about their loved ones. I think about the loss they're suffering that's unimaginable to someone who has never suffered it. I think about the hole in their heart that they will have to live with forever. I think about parents having to bury their children due to the crazed actions of a person that perhaps their children didn't even know. I think about the destruction of the social contract, the obliteration of the freedom we have of living in America where these things aren't supposed to happen, yet happen here more than in any other country in the world and I, along with others, continue to ask why.

The Monday after Thanksgiving weekend 14 years ago is etched in my heart forever. I was awakened at six o'clock in the morning by a knock on the door. I thought maybe the woman I was seeing at the time had forgotten her key so I stumbled sleepily to the front door and opened it. When I saw who was there, I fell immediately to my knees because it was two Marines in their dress blues and I knew there was only one reason why they came to your house. They were there to report that my oldest son, Brandon, had died while serving in the Navy and stationed in San Diego. They insisted that I call a friend to be with me before they left so I called Pete Smith, who was the manager of J.C. Penney's at the time. When he got to my apartment, I asked him to call then Vice President Richard Tubbs of the college to tell him what had happened and he made that call which must have been so hard on him. My younger two boys idolized their older brother and the youngest son, Will, has tattoos all over his body in remembrance of Brandon. It was a loss that's seared in our hearts forever.

And so it is for those parents, grandparents, brothers, sisters and friends of the people killed yesterday. They will never get over it either but many other people seem to put it in their rear-view mirrors and go on with their lives as long as this terrible loss didn't happen to them.

I watched last night as the President made a plea to the people of this country as heart-felt as any President ever has and yet so many in this country will dismiss his words and feelings because he's a Democrat, or a Black, or a Black Democrat who's the CEO of the United States of America. He talked about how the opposition is already planning their counter attack and based on prior behavior, he's probably right. But this isn't about Second Amendment rights and it isn't about gun control. A certain faction in the body politic of America has claimed that Obama has wanted to take their guns since he was elected President in spite of a total lack of evidence that supports that claim. This isn't about gun control, it's about people control. This isn't an argument to take away people's guns; it's an argument to keep guns out of the hands of those who pose danger to others. This is about crazy people having access to weapons and what we can do to prevent it and we have to find those ways.

The NRA always becomes intransigent, claiming that when incidents like this occur, we need MORE guns instead of fewer guns so those people in harm's way can defend themselves but people who ARE armed don't have a very good history of being able to do that. No one is suggesting or HAS suggested that guns be taken away from law abiding people. Millions of Americans keep guns for sport, to hunt and to protect themselves and their families and no one in government is targeting those people.

We have become numb to these mass murders. I thought at the time that if the shootings at Sandy Hook Elementary School, where little children were murdered in cold blood, didn't change the nation's attitude about what we should do , then nothing would and I'm still of that mind. My son, Will, is too. He told me on the phone last night that he didn't think anything would happen in our lifetimes to change ANYTHING. If it's not OUR child, we don't feel the loss and the pain and so tomorrow is the same as today. But when it IS our child, everything changes. Dick Cheney was against equal rights for gays until his daughter told him SHE was gay and now he is a gay rights supporter. We love and care about our children. We want them to always be well and happy. We don't want anything bad to ever happen to them. But terrible things are happening to them now on a regular basis and we still choose to do nothing about it.

Does it have to be YOUR child that's harmed, maimed or killed before you care enough about the problem to finally take action?

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  • Why are there so many more mass murders under Obama than any other president?

    -- Posted by Hugh Jassle on Sun, Oct 4, 2015, at 8:06 AM
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  • And yes, the shooter is mixed race, black/white. Sorry to burst your narrative.

    -- Posted by Hugh Jassle on Sun, Oct 4, 2015, at 9:17 PM
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  • Why do people continuously blame Obama? Seriously? I'm not a democrat nor a republican. However, I'm tired of everything wrong being blamed on one man, Obama, or the President in general. Obama, Bush, Clinton, Reagan, Bush, etc have all done good and bad during their administration. Not one of them has 100% control of everyone's lives, thoughts & actions. Can't individual citizens take responsibility for their own actions instead of blaming the President just because you don't like him????

    -- Posted by LOAL4USA on Wed, Oct 7, 2015, at 11:07 AM
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  • There is a sense of lawlessness that has crept over this country, especially in the last very few years. My question is, is this related to the perceived lawlessness many see from the top, our own justice department. They do in fact ignore laws being broken, and enforce non-existing laws.

    I'm sorry to have offended you Rural Citizen, but put on your big boy pants.

    -- Posted by Hugh Jassle on Thu, Oct 8, 2015, at 3:59 AM
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  • Not offended, appreciate the perspective. However, can we determine that over the last few years that it for sure has come ONLY from the top? Could it be that maybe as a society in general we tend to always blame others for our actions instead of accepting responsibility? I do agree that government has gotten "too big" but why? Why as a society have we allowed this to happen?

    -- Posted by LOAL4USA on Thu, Oct 8, 2015, at 10:18 AM
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  • It is because that we as voters, will tolerate corruption in our politicians as long as they deliversomething for us. We turn our heads as they accept kickbacks from lobbyists, cheat on their wives/husbands, not pay their taxes. Despite all their promises, it never ends or reverses itself.

    This all plays into the entitlement mentality of the citizenry as well, it give us a sense of power. Who really drives within the speed limits, then cries and whines when we get caught. Hunting season is here, how many will respect property rights or bag limits.

    Eventually, the undeserved self-righteousness meets the real world. Some crave attention to the point that the lives of those around become worthless. They feel justified by slandering, stealing, and murdering them. Society even allows jealousy to achieve those means. Note, these are 5 of the big 10, they do matter in how we treat our neighbors.

    -- Posted by Hugh Jassle on Fri, Oct 9, 2015, at 6:42 PM
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  • Respectfully, thank you for your insight & I agree. We have become a self righteous society that believes things should be handed to them and whines when things get hard. It's also enlightment to the fact that marriages end in divorce more than 50%...no body wants to fight for what's right. Easy come, easy go. It's sad. Sadly, it's not just a democratic issue. It's also republican and unfortunately I don't see an end to it. I believe it starts at home. We need to become stronger as parents passing on the old traditions with values. We also need to stop blaming others for our actions and take responsibility. Encouragement of others to do the right thing along with setting good examples. And share views without beratement. So, thank you.

    -- Posted by LOAL4USA on Sun, Oct 11, 2015, at 10:33 PM
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