Chamber honors hospital, makes plan for month

Monday, September 14, 2015

McCOOK, Neb. -- McCook Area Chamber of Commerce board of directors chose Community Hospital to be the fourth quarter Honor Business at their recent board meeting.

"Community Hospital is a huge supporter of the chamber and they provide a very important service to the community," said Chamber Executive Director Tacie Fawver. A presentation will be scheduled in the near future.

The board also reviewed the branding project that has been ongoing for several months. The tagline, "Belong >> Engage >> Succeed," should be more than just words, according to Fawver.

"It is not just a tagline, but a change in perspective for the chamber. Being a chamber member allows a business or organization to connect to other chamber businesses and become engaged in what goes on in the community. The ultimate goal is to make McCook a better community that can lead to the success of all."

Three new businesses have joined the chamber family recently, Citta Deli, This and That Food Truck, and Farm Bureau-Adam Powers.

As part of the "engage" facet of the chamber brand, the board discussed possible revamping of chamber mixers. They would like to see mixers conducted at least quarterly, and give smaller businesses the opportunity to partner together as hosts for the mixer. "The mixers would become more of a networking opportunity for several small businesses to come together to have a store front for the night and share their products and services with attendees," said Fawver. They would like to schedule the first revamped mixer in mid-December, and any chamber member who is interested in hosting should contact the chamber.

The chamber is also presenting a seminar by Mike Henke, a business consultant from Doniphan, Nebraska, who speaks on leadership, human resources, and wellness. His presentation, "Generational Differences" will help participants increase productivity, build a strong team, and attract and retain the best talent. The "Lunch and Learn" seminar will take place Thursday from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Keystone Business Center. Cost is $10 for chamber members and $15 for general public and lunch is included.

Only two weeks away, Heritage Days is shaping up to be another fun-filled event that the chamber coordinates for the community. There are more than 60 vendors reserved for Norris Park and more than 25 entries registered for the parade.

Fawver encourages anyone interested in having a float in the parade to contact the chamber office as soon as possible.

The chamber is particularly excited about a new Heritage Days event this year, Fifth Quarter Family Fun Night, to be held Friday, Sept. 25 from 7 -- 11 p.m. at the MCC Graff Events Center. The evening will feature laser tag, face painting, basketball knockout competition, and an inflatable obstacle course. Fawver said she was particularly pleased with the assistance received from the McCook Community College athletes and organizations, as many of them will be manning the events during the evening.

Other upcoming events include two ribbons cuttings -- Citta Deli at 10 a.m. on Tuesday, and Edward Jones-Dustin Hartzer at 10 a.m. Sept. 24. The New Teacher Breakfast will be Sept. 19, Chamber golf tournament will be Sept. 20, and the Legislative breakfast will be Sept. 23.

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  • Congrats Community Hospital! Busy schedule for the Chamber.

    -- Posted by dennis on Mon, Sep 14, 2015, at 6:20 PM
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